Every once in a while I notice my cat will position himself in a corner so that he is facing the wall or turn around on the couch so he is facing the back of the couch. Your cat isn’t really a bug control master, be that as it may. The term “head pressing” is actually pretty descriptive—the affected pet stands close to a wall or other hard surface (furniture, the corner, etc) and literally presses the top of her head against it. Kitties have fantastic staying power, so they could probably place all their attention on that tiny spot for a lengthy amount of time. Our perception of things (ie your thinking that your building might be haunted) just somehow made you skeptical of what your cat is able to see but invisible to you. Normally this wouldn't be a problem. The act of head pressing is just one sign of prosencephalon disease, in which the forebrain and thalamus parts of the brain are affected. Why Does My Dog Roll on His Toys? When was the last time you inspected your walls or the … Nothing. Here are some reasons why our feline friends can’t stop staring into space. When a cat loses a companion, the grieving process is often long and difficult. But it's the facing the wall part that creeps me out. No bugs, no weird mark in the paint. Sometimes your cat is just listening to the echoes from elsewhere bouncing off the wall! Is the cat facing the wall, ears perked, staring with extreme alertness? If he’s happy with me, he will recline facing me, so we can exchange discussion and affection. My cat was diaggnose with skin cancer when she was aroung 5 years old. This just started seemingly overnight. My Latte will sit in the corner and face the wall, staring, for what seems like an eternity. It almost always signifies significant illness. This odd activity is not the same as head butting. Some of these symptoms may lead to lesions, for example, sores on the feet as a result of compulsive pacing, or injurie… Harmless as it might be, it’s an unsettling look. Sometimes Spock (3yr old Netherland Dwarf, house rabbit) will sit facing the wall. Cats can develop very strong and close bonds with people and with other animals. After a few minutes of munching the greenery, you hear that familiar sound of a cat about to vomit. I keep thinking I'm not giving her enough stimulation. Well, not the wall, but turns his back on me. But if it’s a bug, and it moves, the cat will go absolutely insane. I already took her to the vet and he thought it was a reaction to the biospot said to make sure she eats and she should be fine, however now she has completely stopped eating and she is a large cat who really enjoys here food. Your cat has inherited this attitude from its ancestors. It seems to be his go to spot for sleeping. We've lived here for two years and I've never seen him in that spot, yet for the last several days he has spent hours there. She goes in my closet but makes it so the door is almost all the way closed and meows at the back wall until I call her name or walk over to her someone explain please . He is just trying to figure out the outline of a face and to see if the person is someone that he knows or vice versa. My dog rests her head on her own butt. Answer: Cats rub the side of their face for two reasons; one is to show they are well pleased and another to mark ownership of something because they have scent glands in the sides of their mouth that tell other cats, "this is mine." A dog staring at the wall, gazing into a corner, or ‘into space’ on occasion isn’t a concern for dog owners. However, if the dog sits facing the wall all of the time or the dog has his head against the wall, that’s not normal behavior. I took him to the vet today and his test came back relatively normal (slightly low calcium and slight elevated BP - 40). But this time, he’s indicating, I’ve gone too far. When I'm sitting in a certain chair in the room the position he is in is the only one which he can see my face from. Cats can hear squeaks that your home makes as it settles, or whistling clamors inside your air channels. A cat that’s curled up with their tail in a graceful swoop around their body and their head tucked in toward their chest is doing their best to conserve body heat. One, a male black shorthair, is starting to act rather oddly. I must mention its not just one corner and i have just moved house and she does this in the new house lol at first it was rather funny but now its a bit weird. Your cat’s wild cousins do it, and it’s a natural instinct even the most pampered house cat can’t suppress.Your cat may not be worried about a rival animal sneaking up on them in their sleep, but they could be protecting their jellybe… What are the illness/diseases that can cause this behavior? I’ve apologized, and soon he’ll be back against my leg. Consider sitting quietly next to your cat and talking to her or playing music so she knows she's not alone. My cat does that a lot. My cat doesn’t seem to be able to find his way around the house, pressing his head against the wall and walking in circles. My cat has started spending a large portion of the day sitting in the corner of my living room, behind some furniture. Typically he hasnt done it since I left the camera nearby! Could a cat staring at the wall be a sign of the supernatural? I have answered this question before, and to me it is a big cat behaviour. You may notice a drop in body temperature and labored or decreased breath sounds as the end draws near. He's starting to stare at the walls. So, not to worry, your cat is really not odd nor is he seeing something paranormal. Many cat guardians even grow some kitty greens for their indoor cats’ munching pleasure and in most cases, it results in having to do a little post-puke clean up afterward. Even though she's a normally pretty chatty cat, it does get annoying after a while. Noise Inside or on the Other Side of the Wall. Numerous individuals have identified rodents in their walls or in their storage rooms after their cats would sit in a particular spot and appear to gaze through the mortar. I recently put Biospot on her for fleas and it has been happening since a few days after that. A lot of cats do this to show affection and trust, I think your cat should be … Just about every cat owner has, at one time, experienced their cat staring at them. This morning as I was getting ready for work he spent the entire time laying at the top of the bed staring straight at the back wall. Joined Sep 20, 2017 Messages 461 Reaction score 282 Location Philadelphia. Have you ever get confused or spooked by your cat staring into space? If it’s an elderly dog staring at the wall, dog dementia is a possibility that needs to be considered. She simply doesn't feel like herself -- and wants to be left alone. They’re also protecting their vulnerable organs. You might wonder if your pet is plotting against you in some way, or getting ready to pounce on top of your head! My cat does this as well and I'm fairly certain it's because of the shadows cast by the walls and crown molding. If your cat's sitting in a corner after the loss of a companion, it could be a symptom of depression and mourning. Cats are quirky and love attention. Your feline might have just founded a good spot to sit and lay on, and might just happen that it will face the wall. Just like when a dog sleeps in a kennel it will face the exit, it will face the exit of your room. 5-10 minutes at a time. Other symptoms that may accompany this include compulsive pacing and circling, changes in learned (trained) behavior, seizures, damaged reflexes, and visual problems. A normal cat may repeatedly butt its head against a wall, corner, piece of furniture or person. This explains why the cat may spend hours and hours staring at a wall. Since last Oct/Nov the girl cat goes in the corner, faces the wall and starts meowing very loudly at the wall as if something is there. When they stare at walls, it’s possible they could be intently examining a little bug or piece of dust. Cats Have Super-Powered Hearing. Sep 20, 2018 #9 Yanaka TCS Member. This was a minor transgression, easily overlooked. While you may not be interested in the little white fluffy that is making its way down the wall, your cat might be completely focused on it and ready to pounce. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue She always sleeps with her butt facing my head and he head at my feet, never the other way around. However, it's gotten so bad that we had to move his cat perch away from the router, because we thought he was going to jump on it to get at the wall. If your dog is staring at a wall, sit down next to her and listen quietly. Cats Have Mysterious Brains. Cats have keen senses and certainly see things we sometimes miss. My cat will not eat and has been sitting facing the wall and never does that. Cat Facing The Wall. It instinctively knows that it belongs to a race that fights to eat and to assure its self-defence. Why Is My Cat Staring At Nothing Or The Wall. Hi there, new to the forum and just after a bit of advice regarding one of my cats. Why does my cat sit out side my door when I try to shut it my cat paws at the door but does not want to come in. If it’s an elderly dog staring at the wall, dog dementia is a possibility that needs to be considered. Cat Facing The Wall If you see your cat facing the wall, and resting or napping, this might seem strange, but actually it's quite normal and common. Alpha Cat. It may be searching for the appropriate dinner. Many cats enjoy eating grass and will sit in the grass, doing their best sheep impersonation. Now the fact that I've also only seen him there when I've been in this chair makes me think this is his reason. If it really bothers you, trying putting something in the corner so the cat can't get access to it. That’s how you know it’s a bug. The past couple of months I would sometimes notice her sitting down, staring at the wall, facing the wall. If so, you probably have mice or other pests in your walls. Usually, when a cat is chasing something or trying to catch debris that is falling they will shake their bums as a form of pouncing or hunting this object or piece of debris. Dan on April 16, 2020: My cat was cuddling me then started slicing me and my partner up she is 12 months. I have investigated, and there is NOTHING THERE. If your cat is pressing the top of its head against the wall without moving for significant periods of time, the behavior could be a sign of a serious medical condition, called head pressing.
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