Instead of sitting in a physical conference room, employees access virtual work environments. To me online collaboration is not an exact equivalent of physical collaboration. In fact, cooperative learning is a type of collaborative learning, which is why at first glance, the two might seem similar. People can passively benefit from improved collaborative features, like faster access to more up-to-date information. Collaboration is the process of two or more people, entities or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Given the context of eLearning, constructivism and connectivism seem to be the theories that acknowledge the impact t… Fostering collaboration can help people work more effectively and draws out their expertise and discretionary effort, which can create a competitive advantage to your company. If we design and build our intranets around our company’s objectives we’ll be able to establish that the intranet supports the business. In this way, in today's world of internet and technologies online collaboration tools can be used as one of the modern means of communication that can be used to achieve the same target. Online collaboration offers a number of benefits to a business organization that is working from multiple workplaces. Collaboration is when a group of people come together and contribute their expertise for the benefit of a shared objective, project, or mission. The advantage is real-time collaboration, but it also means everyone can jump online at the drop of a hat, find a specific version and save a copy if necessary, before adding feedback. Storage of All Documents at Central Place: Online collaboration tools also make it easy for the members of a team situated at different locations to access all the related documents anytime. And without proper communication, projects are more likely to fail. Scott is a co‐founder of LaunchPad Lab, a web and mobile development development firm in Chicago. Storing a project or document in the cloud is the easiest way to know that everyone who needs it has access to it at all times, from anywhere in the world. Shared calendars 4. Collaboration in the workplace is when two or more people (often groups) work together through idea sharing and thinking to accomplish a common goal. One interesting way that musicians do this is to start with one person playing one instrument and have each person add on in turn. Moreover the members need not save the necessary documents on their personal storage devices like USB stick etc. It also allows the team members to see the documents before making any change, who made the recent changes in the documents and appointing a colleague to review the document along with tracking the project. Online collaboration tools keep everything available to the involved parties, and really help new team members get up to speed on what’s been going on. The network effect means that the more people who use a tool or system, the more people in turn will end up using it. This corresponds to one of the important findings of Mark Elliott, which says: Collaboration is inherently composed of two primary components, without either of which collaboration cannot take place: social negotiation and creative output. It is mainly a way for companies to improve communication and bolster project efficiency. The employees can remain in touch with their project even if they are on a business trip or away from their office due to some other urgent work. At its most effective and surprising it should be asynchronous, more free flowing and less controlled. "Collaboration" is a term that is on everyone's lips, and there is hardly a software vendor out there that has not included collaborative functionality into their product. If we define the business challenge and only then consider the technology and governance to meet it, we can craft intranets that are useful and usable. Collaboration is really an approach to working. Online collaboration tools are web-based applications that offer basic services such as instant messaging for groups, mechanisms for file sharing and collaborative search engines (CSE) to find information distributed within the system of the organization, community or team. Wherever there is a high staff turnover, or a high level of recruitment and training (which may be seen in customer service departments) a robust Knowledge Management system is often relied upon; an intranet with some collaborative features can help make sure that information is kept up-to-date faster than the usual ‘annual reviews’ of content. Collaboration can be as simple as talking to someone with more or different experience than you; but how will you find them if you only know the people you know? Why online collaboration is important, and why bother with taking care of it at all? While all tools listed in this article are suitable for this task, have a look at each of them to find out which one will work best for your class. If people can clearly see how the intranet helps them do their jobs and get their work done they’ll use the tools provided. But for the purposes of this lesson, we are going to discuss online tools that allow people to work together to get a job done: email, workflow software, online workspaces, and so forth. That's why many companies are looking into online collaboration. Online collaboration is the process of connecting users digitally to communicate in an online space. In this way, by using online collaboration an organization can deploy the best possible professionals on a project even if they are not located at the same location. Commenting on news articles or reference intranet articles is an easy way to help validate the contents and provide extra context. Nigel Danson •
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