Start them on a 20% Duck and Goose (or chick) Starter. The origin of this breed is not clear. Goslings should be watered immediately on arrival. Some strains are non-broody, and, of the heavy breeds, the Toulouse is only a fair layer (up to 35 eggs per season). On the look out for chicken and goose hatching eggs. Awards (At Stockton PPBA show 2011) Jr Grand Champion Goose. Breed History The Toulouse is a breed of domesticated goose originating near Toulouse, France. They are non-aggressive, great mothers and active foragers. So, with geese, if you raise them as goslings in a brooder, they will imprint on you and be very gentle. Goslings tend to grow slowly and have to be kept to a slightly older age than other breeds before being ready for market. They are from April to June hatches, some mostly feathered and some still in down. Please browse for different breeds of baby goslings for sale at Cackle Hatchery® and order online. Toulouse is one of the heavy breeds that originated in France. The Toulouse goose is a domesticated goose that was named for the French city of Toulouse where it originated from. The name of Toulouse goose has been recorded back as far as 1555. Quote:Yes. One time there were 25 of them, other—30 and then one evening he finally counted 47 baby goslings walking around with the mother goose. This pair was surprisingly productive this past spring, producing dozens of fertile eggs and goslings. We did produce a nice group of goslings in 2010 and should have several select pairs available for sale. Encourage grazing. Jr Grand Champion Heavy Goose. We sell a wide variety of goslings, including popular favorites like Roman Tufted & Toulouse Geese, along with rare goslings like Buff Pomeranian Geese. I am now taking orders for my 2021 Dewlap Toulouse goslings. Buff Toulouse have a delicate beige-cream coloration with dark and light fawn and white highlights. The gander is a 1.5yo grey split to buff production Toulouse and the goose (who came from the local rescue) is approximately 3-4yo. I then read that it can vary from 28-31 depending on the breed. A well-grassed area of 40 m 2 is sufficient for 100 goslings during the brooding period. Low minimum order. £60 pair One 2020 Embden x Toulouse believed gander £25 One Brecon Buff Gander £30 Favourite this Advert Some believe that the breed was created by crossing the German white with the English White. You may then switch them to a 16-18% Grower … Both types are large, with weights of up to 9 kg. Mature geese are varying shades of gray in their plumage, emphasizing their deep breasts and massive appearance. Day Old Baby Buff Toulouse Goslings Hatching March through June Like the classic Gray Toulouse Goose, the Buff Toulouse is a very large and heavy set production goose. Please allow a minimum of 1-2 business days for processing before you receive a confirmation email. Gray Toulouse Geese are a heavy weight breed from France that produce dark meat and excellent goose down. Origin: France. The Toulouse goose is a large, stout goose raised for its heavy weight, moderate egg production and striking physical attributes. ... as with the grays Buff Toulouse are among my favorites. ... My Buff Old Goose was Reserve Champion Heavy Goose at the 2010 Northeast Poultry Congress Show and was also selected as the Third Best Waterfowl of the show. We’ve heard tales of the faithful ‘gander’ sitting side by side with the goose – on a nest of infertile eggs belonging to the two females of course. A goose is good for producing down for insulation, meat for food, a great watch dog and keeping your pond active. Welp Hatchery of Iowa is a chicken hatchery that sells day-old poultry including chickens, turkeys, pheasants, geese, and ducks. We can handle all sizes of poultry orders and can ship any anywhere in the United States throughout the year. Toulouse Geese typically forage for tender weeds and grasses. As babies, they are dark gray-green with dark colored bills. Every year I try to improve the quality of my birds. 1 chinese gander 2 Toulouse geese 1 white goose All hatched 2020 quite friendly located chipping. What Makes a Baby Goose a Gosling . Meat: All geese in the heavy and medium weight classes are good utility birds.The most common geese raised for meat are the Embden, Toulouse, and Pilgrim. We only have one pair of production Toulouse geese, but they are so nice they deserve their own page. Plenty of shade and an adequate supply of good, clean, drinking water is essential in the brooding period. We are currently sell goslings hatched 30/06 Embden x type Please do not order ducklings/ goslings that have different hatch dates as the size difference means that they can not be brooded easily together They make a lovely pure white goose, great for grazing, eggs and for the table. These geese are also broody, friendly and self-reliant. Check Price. They are both great quality and are sweethearts! Geese are not as easy to sex as ducks, where the quack is the instant giveaway. Toulouse Female Goose and goslings Buff Toulouse in the USA same source from Lewis Wright 1870's same profile smaller dewlap. Our French Toulouse breeding stock was imported from France in 2006. My Cart: 0 item(s) Your Shopping Cart Is Empty. I'm hatching my first set of goose eggs and was just wondering how long they are supposed to take to hatch. Michael started noticing that every time he came here there were more and more little goslings hanging out around the mother goose! I have spent a lot of time and money acquiring some of the best birds around. They also have a dewlap under their bill, which contributes to their chunky appearance. It was developed in Haute Garonne, where the city of Toulouse is the region's center in south-western France. The have black bills, legs and feet. In continuously wet weather, older Toulouse need shelter at night, and cannot be left out in a fox-proof pen 24 hours a day. Weight: Gander: 11.8-13.6Kg.Goose: 9.1-10.9Kg. Anyway I got interested in geese because of these guys but didn’t want loud or aggressive ones and then at a show I came across a Giant Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse goose and loved all its bulk and dewlaps so I read up about these and decided they could fit the bill. Report. We don`t vent sex until they are partially feathered, the younger ones are sold as straight run for 20 each. I had a very good hatch this year. Image credits: Michael Digout. Depending on hatch rates and demand goslings from this stock may be limited. 8 days ago. The Toulouse is a French breed of large domestic goose, originally from the area of Toulouse in south-western France. African geese adults can weigh up to 20 pounds, are grayish brown with a lighter breast, black beak, orange legs and feet and a black knob on their head. Dewlap Toulouse Geese are the gentle giants of the waterfowl world. Keep them on that ration for the first 2-3 weeks. Encourage goslings to graze after they are 3 days old. We ship waterfowl when they are freshly hatched out of our hatchers on Mondays and Wednesdays. Check out a wide selection of day old geese, safely shipped right to you! They are not good foragers and prefer a small maintained lawn over free-ranging on larger natural terrain. We did produce a nice group of goslings … Dewlap Toulouse are a large goose, so the goslings hatch as a large gosling and often with splayed legs, as they are unable to hold their own weight. Just wondering if anyone has had experience hatching toulouse goslings and how many days they generally take. We produce healthy gosling and ducklings – suitable as meat or for egg production – every two weeks. Diet / Feeding / Care. Two types are recognised: a heavy industrial type with dewlaps, the French: Oie de Toulouse à bavette; and a slightly lighter agricultural type without dewlaps, the French: Oie de Toulouse sans bavette. Call Us (800) 720-1134. First exported to England in the 1840s, they came to America in the early 1850s. If you let the goose and gander do the work, though, they'll be completely wild and the parents will spend the first year hissing at you if you go near them. Eggs: 20 to 40 white eggs per year. These geese have dark blue/gray to light gray coloring on their necks and their breast color is light gray. Pair of Toulouse geese for sale,(not dewlap) 3 year old goose, good sitter, and last years believed gander. Toulouse. They are fairly common, lay a good number of fertile eggs and are a sturdy, durable breed. Aug 1, 2017 - We keep a flock of about 20 breeding Africans. The term is often only applied to the youngest chicks, however, and when juvenile geese begin to show flight feathers and adult plumage they are not typically called goslings. Colours: Grey, Buff and White Useful to Know: A popular fast growing commercial hybrid is an Embden Gander crossed with Toulouse Geese. Dewlap Toulouse goslings - $100 (Hollister) < image 1 of 11 > QR Code Link to This Post.
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