First add the sugar to some hot water and mix, then once it’s dissolved, add colder water. Problem if i put it today in my tractor, i can only use him the folowing day. The final product from this recipe wouldn't have much flavor, and the flavor it does have isn't likely to be good. The easiest method used to make homemade, unflavored moonshine mash is the combination of water and granulated white sugar, typically in a ratio of about 5 gallons of water to 8 gallons of sugar.. You can try this if you want… Guess what one I did?!? What size yeast packets are you using, or can you tell me how much to use for 2 gallons water and 2 lbs sugar. When you cook it in your still try to keep the temperature between 179 degrees and 182 degrees.What you end up with is a minimum of 160 proof. Pour in the citric acid (25 gr) VERY SLOWLY (you’ll get a lot of foam), decrease the heat. What did I do wrong ? Simply click here to return to. Ran it at about 190 degrees. When it rises and bubbles up, Hey, I am a newbie to this, I am trying your sugar shine recipe, and have to ask, am I measuring the temperature of the alcohol vapor on my 3/8 copper going to my worm or the mash temperature in my pot? You don't absolutely have to do this, but if you don't you risk bacterial infections - which could cause off-flavors and potentially even ruin your batch altogether by killing the yeast. 20 gallons (76 l) stainless steel pot. Take the pot off the stove and cool the must to 30°C. Use plastic and string for an airlock. If you've never tried your hand at distilling before, this is an excellent place to start. Here's a recipe for Sugar Shine10 pounds sugar to 10 gallon water.Cook to 145 degrees and stir till around room temperature, add yeast 2 packs, let it sit at room temperature for 3-5 days. Aerate by dumping back and forth between two buckets a few times and then dump into fermenter. When ru If no honey, use 7 cups sugar, and 1/2 after foam. Water . I HAVE DONE A LOT OF READING, ONE THING I HAVE NEVER SEEN POSTED IS HOW LONG IT TAKES TO RUN A BATCH OF SUGAR WASH THROUGH THE STILL. Used sugar shine recipe . Rum Moonshine Recipe. After aerating the mash and dumping it into your fermentation bucket or carboy, add yeast. It's easy to do. Believe it or not, this is probably exactly how commercial vodka is made. sugar shine recipe. It’s been 8hrs since I put my mash together is it too late to add raisins for nutrients. 1/4 cup of sugar. I agree that temperature is key here but your information is wrong. Please let me know if anyone out there has had this happen before. Add yeast at 80 degrees and let … After the sugar has completely dissolved and you are waiting for the mixture to reach temperature (70F), re-hydrate your yeast by following the instructions on the back of the yeast package. While heating, stir the mixture of sugar, raisins, and water with a large brewers paddle or spoon until the sugar has completely dissolved. How could I even start a moonshine recipe list without including everyone's favorite Apple Pie Moonshine? or is there a more tasty , higher alcohol recipe that I should use? For example, a dark closet in a temperature controlled environment is a great place to store. One 23.5 oz bottle of agave nectar (from the sugar isle at Walmart), to every 3 … Like acid tone me tho all and so. Finish adding cool water to help cool down the mash to 80 degrees. Add a lid and a sanitized airlock to the fermenter. Pour 18 lbs of sugar into the hot water and stir until dissolved. and only got I/3 of gallon. 6 Gallon Brew Pot Regular bread yeast would need a minimum of 2 weeks. The bucket should leave a couple inches for yeast flare up. Sorry to be "that guy" but I just wanted your readers to enjoy your recipe. The 220F you suggested would ruin a batch before it ever got close to that. (ohio) Here's a recipe for Sugar Shine. Water at 212. What proof should you turn your still off. Water and Sugar wash cannot produce any appreciable volume of Methanol (Wood Alcohol) ... in fact pure apple juice will have more Methanol than distilled sugar and water wash. The vapor temperature of 173-175 will get you 140 + proof liquor out of 3/8 size 25 foot coil worm. Dissolve sugar, adding more hot water if necessary. This is a simple rum recipe that will win the blind taste test … Has anyone else ever had this happen before? Cover pot with a lid, reduce heat, and simmer for about 1 hour. 1 Pound of Raisins What precaution should take if you want to distill your vodka twice and what will be the benefit. How? Cooked at 95c. *These pictures are fictitious and are for educational / demonstration purposes only. 1 bottle (750 … A sugar wash is easily obtained through mixing your chosen type of sugar with water and yeast. Jan 29, 2018 - Sugar shine recipe is definitely fast and cheap to make. Read the directions on your super yeast pack. also, if you mass produce this, you can mass distill it! Do not fill the vapor cone with liquid. This should result in a starting gravity of about 1.058, which will produce a wash with a starting alcohol of 7.5% starting alcohol if it ferments all the way down to 1.00. Add 3/4th’s cup of fleichmanns bread yeast. First, this is an excellent beginners fuel alcohol recipe. Unbelievable. Cranberry shine. Dilute yeast in some water and add it to the honey syrup, while … You’ll begin this step by turning on the heat to the still. If someone could tell me what I am doing wrong to produce so little, I would appreciate it. In a large 5-10 gallon tank, heat 2 gallons of water without boiling it. Regards from cactus jack down under in australia. You need to be measuring the temperature of the mix, not the gas above it. 2 to 4 oz of yeast per ten gallon batch. Lately – the past couple of months – I’ve been inverting the sugar before pitching the yeast, which cuts the fermentation time in about half (the yeast don’t have to work to separate the glucose and fructose so all their energy goes to co2 and alcohol production). Things You'll Need. Start with 5.5 gallons of hot water about 105-110 degrees F which is hot enough to dissolve the sugar. I make Absinthe and only use cane sugar to make the base alcohol with. It'd also be a good idea to add a pound of raisins to provide some nutrients for the yeast. What seems to be the problem. We'd probably agree. i had the same thing happen to me, also next time dont distill so high keep it between about 167 – 180 degrees and you wont get thatcloudy stuff. Be careful to not overfill your still. Ingredients: 25 pounds coarse ground white corn meal, enough to fill half of your barrel/container 50 pounds of sugar – 1 pound of sugar per gallon of water of total volume 1 gallon of malt – can be corn, barley, rye or a combination. Bring 2 gallons of water to a boil; then transfer to fermenter. Apple cider,… Once finished, siphon into your 5 gallon Clawhammer still, making sure to leave sediment and yeast behind. 3 tablespoons of water. Add 8 pounds of sugar to the pot. 8.5# sugar 5 gal. So in basic terms, creating a distilled spirit is a two stage process: 1) Fermentation & 2) Distillation. However, temperature is a VERY loose way of going about making 'shine... Methanol is not an issue in a straight sugar wash. And if you are using bakers yeast, 3 to 5 days is nowhere near long enough to ferment 10 pounds of sugar. OF COURSE, THIS IS JUST TO ADD TO GAS IN MY TRACTOR :). *************************************************Many thanks for your recipe for sugarshine, Maynard! It is sweet and smooth and great for making mixed drinks. This blog provides information for educational purposes only. Warm up part of the water only warm enough to dissolve the corn sugar. … However, feel free to leave a comment or respond to comments made by others! There is a native recipe in Alaska that I have found useful. You don’t absolutely have to do this, but if you don’t you risk bacterial infections – which could cause off-flavors and potentially even ruin your batch altogether by killing the yeast. But yesterday, I made a small bit of wash – 2 gallons (was my last bag of sugar) with potential alcohol of 12.5%. Wait a week and it clears. • tart cherries in syrup or water (15 0z cans) • small jar maraschino cherries (about 8 oz) • granulated sugar(1 1\2 cups if using canned cherries in syrup) • Almond extract- or to taste- optional • everclear-whatever proof you can get--a little more if you're brave! what you can do is run it through a brita filter. Read our complete summary for more info. Sugar Shine Ingredients 8 Pounds Sugar,1 Pound Of Raisins 5.5 Gallons Water,2 Packets Wine Yeast Bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes, constantly stirring and skimming off the foam. Airlock Assuming that your tap water is somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 degrees, this won't take long, so keep a watchful eye on the pot. Start the Distilling Process. COVID-19 Update: We Are Fully Operational at This Time and Shipping Daily M-F. Add 5.5 gallons of water to your sanitized brew pot. The pot where your mash is. Is the inversion process worth the trouble? I only make this comment because your shine will be cloudy when water boils into it. Too much? Then put a couple hand fulls of ice in the sugar water to cool it down. and sanitized with an acid based sanitizer (such as star-san). I’m trying to reproduce the results now with 5 gallons of wash, and it seems to be working. Bring the syrup to boiling, cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam. Mix honey and water in a stock pot. Warm 3 liters of water to 70-80°C in a large cooking pot. … Try to maintain a steady temperature of 70 degrees, with minimal fluctuation during fermentation. You can't judge the temperature of the cooling "worm" as it is in its transformation process back to liquid. Made sweet feed mash using 5 pounds sweet feed, 5 pounds sugar,1 pack champagne yeast, and 5 gallons of distilled water. We don't answer questions about recipes, procedures, etc. How to Ferment Sugar Wash to Make Vodka - Part 1 - Whats4Chow I want to know if I make a 5 gallon batch of corn mash,would it be fine to use 6lbs of sugar and use an enzyme to convert the corn starches to sugar, what is the best yeast to use for a run like this? How would you flavor this recipe? It is illegal to distill alcohol without federal and state distillers or fuel alcohol permits. Please note, the design of our website does not allow us to respond directly to blog comments. Equipment Needed This sugar shine recipe is definitely fast and it is about as cheap to make as it gets. Don't do it!***. You can decide proportions depending on recipe, ingredients or the equipment you have but as a general rule, you can use about 3 liters of water for 1kg of sugar. Please email us directly regarding questions about products. Stove top or outdoor stove. the person asking is Using distillers yeast. The right fermentation technique is essential because it plays a big role in achieving the alcohol strength of your spirit. I cooked for 7 hours ( 5gal. ) After aerating the mash and dumping it into your fermentation bucket or carboy, add. The final product from something like this would best be used in a lawnmower or as a base for making flavored alcohol such as apple pie moonshine. Ingredients: 25 pounds coarse ground white corn meal, enough to fill half of your barrel/container 50 pounds of sugar – 1 pound of sugar per gallon of water of total volume 1 gallon of malt – can be corn, barley, rye or a combination. Join in and write your own page! How much water, yeast and sugar should you use if you just want to make a quart jar of moonshine and not buy huge amounts? Water turns to steam around 220 degrees. Step 1 Combine apple juice, apple cider, white sugar, brown sugar, and cinnamon sticks in a large pot; bring to almost a boil. However, if the fermenter is in front of a south facing window and is heated by the sun during the day and cools down at night, the fluxuation in temperature will result in a final product that does not taste or smell as good as it could. Used whole pack of super yeast express . That's why this recipe is most suitable for making a flavorless vodka, which would definitely get filtered. For best results 70 F• and rapped in blanket. Once the temperature reaches 70 Fahrenheit, turn off the heat. You need a turbo yeast such as Alcotec48. Mash Paddle or Spoon I made this twice. maybe using 10 lbs of refined sugar made into a syrup? It's easy to do. This is a perfect recipe for beginners. However, that isn't to say that this recipe is not useful. Because the mash won't be heated anywhere near pasteurization temperatures, you'll need to make sure that all brewing equipment has been thoroughly cleaned with an oxygen based cleaner (such as PBW or Oxyclean) and sanitized with an acid based sanitizer (such as star-san). Pick two...”. Allow the risen yeast to work directly with your honey. What about dumping the tailings of your last run in a new batch of mash, sort of like sour dough starter ? Umm yeah... Methanol boils off at 148F if you're around sea level, ethanol boils around 173F. 8 Pounds Sugar Complete a stripping run and then a spirit run with cuts. Seems Maynard has forgotten to mention that methanol (that crazy stuff that makes you go blind and kills) boils at about 148.4F, and this MUST be discarded. Now that it is ready, and lukewarm, It's also the same way you'd make "moonshine" if that's what you were aiming for (which we assume you aren't). I couldn’t f-ing believe my eyes. Because the mash won’t be heated anywhere near pasteurization temperatures, you’ll need to make sure that all brewing equipment has been thoroughly cleaned with an oxygen based cleaner. I don't have that big of a pot to put my water and sugar in. Not that I would ever do any illegal distilling, but when I hear you need nutrients for the yeast besides sugar, would malt extract syrup for beer work if you added a pound or so into a 5 (6 to start) gallon sugar wash? there for a reason. Fermenting sugar water is especially preferable if you are still learning how to moonshine. Wait for Fermentation. Measure the vapor at top of still, mash temperature will vary depending on the heat source. Would you just soak say apple or pineapple in the jar afterwards? We use water and store bought grain alcohol to simulate "moonshine." 100% tart Cherry juice--2 bottles(92 oz.) Thanks.. Oh geez.. Stonewalls Agave. Also water boils at 212F. Cover the fermentation container, while still allowing the … We have all heard the quote, “Fast, good or cheap. How? ***Remember, distilling alcohol without a permit is illegal. Alcohol boiling point is 148F for methanol and 173F for ethanol. Well alcohol turns to steam at 180 degrees. Simply click here to return to Moonshine Recipes. by Maynard. 5.5 Gallons Water Though, vodka is distilled several times to a very high proof remove as much aroma and taste as possible from the original mash. It only takes 4 ounces to kill you!!! Pure ethanol boils at 173 degrees. Moonshine Recipes Overview. Ethanol *can't* start boiling until the methanol is almost entirely gone. Do I need nutrients in a sugar mash ..theirs 2 sugar recipes on this site! because it could take quite a while for the mash to cool back down, depending on the temperature outside. You're shooting for a target temperature of 70F. When I ran it, after the head, it only produced 4 pints and the tail. While water is still too hot for yeast, stir a lot. Mash Making Process 6.5 Gallon Fermenter Join in and write your own page! Much appreciated, as I know all our moonshiners out there are too!RegardsKathrynCountryfarm Lifestyles. At. You ask why 179 degrees to 182 degrees? 1 Packets ‘Wine’ Yeast Water *can't* boil until everything else with a lower boiling point is almost entirely gone. I inverted the sugar, then used more than usual yeast – Red star dady – and double the yeast nutrient I normally use (diamonium phosphate and urea) and this morning the potential alcohol on my hydrometer read below zero! … The reason for the plateaus in the temperatures is basically like having a lowest common denominator. Add 5.5 gallons of water to your sanitized brew pot. They do that because distilling this recipe just once probably wouldn't produce something that tasted or smelled very good. As we mentioned, this is more or less exactly how commercial vodka is made. You don't absolutely have to do this, but if you don't you risk bacterial infections - which could cause off-flavors and potentially even ruin your batch altogether by killing the yeast. Ferment for a week or until the fermentation is finished. Please Allow 7-10 Business Days for Orders to Ship. If you're boiling your wash at 220 then your product is almost certainly all water and NOT ethanol. However, don't do that unless you're a licensed distiller. do not stir in yet. Lightly poor a honey on top of the foamy bubbles. Went looking for a recipe from him, and found this one that was supposedly printed in his book. Should you make the cuts as usual. Once the sugar has been added, apply high heat to the pot. Making this mash literally only takes an hour or so from start to finish, it doesn't require any special equipment, and it's also almost impossible to screw up. Can anybody help me ? Sanitizer Do not over-shoot 70F. Because the mash won't be heated anywhere near pasteurization temperatures, you'll need to make sure that all brewing equipment has been thoroughly cleaned with an oxygen based cleaner (such as PBW or Oxyclean) and sanitized with an acid based sanitizer (such as star-san). Add sugar (6 kilos) and slowly stir the mixture until it becomes homogenous. Fermentation happens when microorganisms, usually yeasts, metabolize (convert) sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. nning my mash it turns out out high the first pint then it drops down to 89 what the problem with mash. Using a sugar wash is one of the simplest ways to make moonshine. Add cool water and/or ice until you’re at a volume of about 6.6 gallons, cooling the “sugar water” mixture so that it reaches 100° F. Take a … Less water means better shine lol. If you believe the quote above you might be inclined to think that this recipe can't be good. Add 5.5 gallons of water to your sanitized brew pot. Sugar wash is affordable and fermenting sugar wash is very easy. Does the sugar shine have the same nastys in it. Raisins work well as yeast food have bin playing with shine for many years and all the so called yeast foods,ie tomato paste dead yeast,dap but raisins seem to give highest yeeld.follow clawhamer recipe and you will be very pleased. Two pounds of corn sugar per gallon of water. Yuck. Please don't forget to rack your original mash (i strain mine as well) before putting it in your boiler or you end up with bread tasting moonshine. I am curious why you use wine yeast instead of distillers. It all depends on what you're going to do with it. Sugar Shine Ingredients 8 Pounds Sugar,1 Pound Of Raisins 5.5 A full fermentation in less than 24 hours! 1 cup fresh cranberries.
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