However, the SWD was bred primarily to herd cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep, whereas the PWD was bred to act as a water retriever for broken nets, a messenger to other ships, and other seafaring activities. PRA- Progressive retinal atrophy – can cause blindness. Spanish Water Dog breeder and Spanish Water Dog Club of America President Sheryl Gaines introduces us to the wonderful Spanish Water Dog. In the absence of a yard, multiple walks daily will be required. Portuguese Water Dog may weigh 7 kg / 16 pounds more than Golden Doodle. Wanderlust potential of the Spanish Water Dog is strong enough to escape from home. The carry themselves with pride and elegance, have a strong head and expressive eyes which are brown. Temperament This adaptable breed is faithful, obedient, spirited, hard-working and watchful. While the Portuguese Water Dog can have either a curly or wavy coat, the Spanish Water Dog will always have a curly coat. However, without a strong pack leader (meaning you) he may decide he's the boss. "A Portuguese Water Dog is first described in 1297 in a Portuguese monk’s account of a … Although both have a long lifespan for their size, the Lagotto lives upwards of 17 years, while the PWD averages around 15 years. Portuguese Water Dogs have a strong tendency to nip, chew, play-bite, or herd people. Keep his vaccines up to date to prevent some life threatening illnesses. Fran Archambault Portside Reg’d 5223 Trafalgar Road Erin, ON N0B 1T0 (519) 833-2552 Email: Both breeds are intelligent and independent, yet they have a strong loyalty and affection at the same time. The dog, Bo, has triggered "the most publicity the breed has ever had since its introduction into the U.S. in the late 1960s," the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America said in a news release. Be aware, however, that both the Spanish Water Dog and Portuguese Water Dog are not breeds designed for binge-watching Netflix. Mouthiness. Both the Spanish Water Dog and Portuguese Water Dog are powerfully built breeds that top out at close to 50 pounds and 60 pounds respectively. He had a long chorded coat. Portuguese and Spanish water dogs are clearly related and probably have a common ancestor. History: With a broad chest and arched rib, he is a very athletic looking dog. The Aquarius New Moon of 24th January is carrying numerous progressions and requesting that we push forward. Temperament Owner Debra Molkentin has been breeding Portuguese waterdogs since 1988. The most famous Portugese Water dog, Bo, is currently residing in the White House. Vitamin E and insulin deficiency. We are now accepting applications for 2022 . Both Spanish Water Dog and Portuguese Water Dog are having almost same weight. The Spanish Water Dog and The Portuguese Water Dog are quite similar breeds. It was only later that that the Standard Poodle we all associate with goofy haircuts was standardized in France. November 27, 2015 By Ben Butler 19 Comments. ; Grooming - The English Cocker Spaniel is easier to groom than the Portuguese Water Dog. By 2008 the AKC recognized the SWD to be able to compete in field trials by not conformation. As young puppies (from 1 month to 7 months of age), their exercise should never be over-taxed, to avoid possible bone and joint problems later on, but should still be taken on a daily walk. Like Poodles and several other water dog breeds, PWDs are intelligent, can have curly coats, have webbed toes for swimming, and do not shed. Janet Rahn describes some of the distinguishing characteristics of Spanish water dogs. Take him with you on your walks and give him a run off his leash. Related: Spanish Water Dog vs Portuguese Water Dog. Choose Another Breed to Compare As with all breeds, the Spanish Water Dog’s ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection, and the teeth should be brushed often, ideally every day, using a toothpaste formulated for dogs. Eventually the groups interbred and today’s SWD carries the traits of all three. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In fact, the Spanish Water Dog is in the AKC herding class, while the Portuguese Water Dog is the working class. Impulse to Wander or Roam. It was in 1972 that the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America formed. ; Children - Both the English Cocker Spaniel and Portuguese Water Dog are great with children. They thrive on activity and can become bored when not stimulated. The SWD has been known by many other names such as "Perro Turco", "Laneto", "Perro Patero", "Perro Rizado", "Churro", "Barbeta", and, most recently, "Perro de Agua Español" (literally Spanish Dog of Water, i.e., Spanish Water Dog). Our goal is to maintain this rustic, working breed producing healthy, quality dogs. I prefer to place in homes interested in providing the healthiest diet and lifestyle possible for their dog and learning about responsible & minimal vaccinating. Children - Both the English Cocker Spaniel and Portuguese Water Dog are great with children. I just got a new Portuguese Water Dog. Spanish Water Dogs can be bathed, but it is not good to do so frequently. Top 10 interesting facts about the Spanish Water Dog, an energetic, loyal and intelligent dog breed. Hip dysplasia spells pain for your dog and he may show lameness with one or both rear legs. Hypothyroidism – affects the immune system of middle aged dogs. Provide him with a nice, dry, warm sleeping area and don’t allow him to be disturbed when he retreats there. But Portuguese Water Dog requires Low maintenance. It is believed that the dog is hypoallergenic. The dog that we like. Complete List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds, Complete List of Large Hypoallergenic Dogs. Owner Experience - Both breeds are good choices for new or inexperienced owners, but the English Cocker Spaniel is better suited for new owners. It is a dog of work and this way it must continue being. More information. Spanish Water Dog Origin Likely of the same origin as other European water dogs, this rustic multi-purpose breed has been used for centuries in the Andalusian region of southern Spain to assist in herding, hunting and fishing. It is use today for labors of shepherding with goats or sheeps, besides his use in the marshes or in the coastal zones as assistant of fishermen. Don’t over work the puppy/young dog until they have matured and their growth plates close. Both are long life spans for their size, however. [ citation needed ] In 1985, after a lot of hard work [ opinion ] and displaying the breed at various venues and dog shows the Spanish Kennel Club accepted it … Their paw pads, eye-rims and nose should be darker than their coat or at least the same color. Provide him with plenty of nice chewy toys, balls and ropes so he doesn’t get bored. In 1983, the AKC recognized the dog as a distinct breed. 2.Feeding the adult - Feed the adult as little grain and as much protein as possible. Feed adult breed specific or medium size dog’s food. Don’t feed adult foods to the puppies. The Spanish Water Dog has much of the same health problems as the other water dogs and dogs their size and heritage. He just loves the water and is always ready to plunge in. Some dogs remained working as herders, and in 1975 two people began an effort to revive the breed. They're also calm dogs. With lifespans averaging about 12 to 14 years, give or take, both breeds are decently log lived for dogs of their size. The Spanish Water Dog is easy to train. In the United States the breed was championed by Ken and Jerry Mann to attain that UKC recognition. Bred in Spain to guard and herd sheep, the Spanish Water Dog was also used in hunting because he could retrieve in water. Still the AKC, or American Kennel Club, held out on their recognition. The dogs from Northern Spain were smaller than the others and came from the regions of Cantabria and Asturias. Your Portie is a dog that loves outdoor life and lots of exercise. The breed was revived in the 1970”s by two breeders, Santiago Montesinos and Antonio Garcia Perez travelled through southern Spain to buy or borrow dogs for breeding. With training, your Portie can make a splendid pet. Portuguese Water Dogs pop up on most americans radar when Bo Obama became the nations first dog. He does however shed, though not a lot.
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