The contemporary style of the hardy snake plants fit the decor, and the plants also absorb toxins to help clean the air. And each of them has a succulent, unique looking and tough foliage. Give it a drink when the top half of the soil is dry— just stick your finger in a few inches so you can tell how it feels. Then put a layer of soil over that. Here’s a guide to find a perfect pot for your snake plant. Make sure to get a container with an appropriately big size. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may make money from these links. These additives will increase the draining capacity of soil. So they are more prone to come in contact with such natural troubles. However, if you have extreme cold or frost in your area, it is important you bring it inside. So keep an eye on your children when they are outside near the plants. Plus, get pineapple planting and growing tips for outdoors and indoors, in-ground and in containers. According to Feng Shui, their pointy leaves shield against negative energy and invite good luck. Click here to read more about light and temperature conditions for snake plants. Click here for an in-depth guide on repotting a snake plant. In fact, bright light available in nature can make them grow and bloom even faster. Snake plants (or mother-in-law's tongue) are one of the most popular and hardy houseplants. Bring your snake plants inside the house in winters. As they grow well in low light, most people like to keep them as indoor ornamental plants. Our garden experts offer sago palm planting, growing and care tips for this ancient plant. In fact, it’s better to let these plants dry out some between waterings. To keep the plant looking its best, water when the soil dries out. Snake plants are not very cold hardy. For more information on this, check out this watering guide for snake plants. Snake plants contain a toxic chemical that can cause mouth and stomach irritations when ingested. If possible bring your plants indoors during the winter season. Carefully separate your plant from its old pot and place it in a new one. The short answer is to water only when the soil is almost thoroughly dry. There are some occasions where you shouldn’t give fertilizers to your snake plants. Propagation by different parts of a plant is an easy way to create new baby plants. Don’t miss the round leaves of Cylindrica snake plant (Sansevieria cylindrica), which rise from soil like pencils. Snake plants are drought-tolerant species, so they can live without constant watering. While they can withstand full sun and handle low light, indirect sunlight is ideal for a snake plant. Add a thin layer of pebbles or rocks at the bottom to cover drainage holes. Potted plants can be reproduced by vegetative propagation methods. Miniature species or cultivars such as Silver Hahnii, Sansevieria Pinguicula are great as indoor plants. Snake plant care Like succulents, snake plants need little watering and sunlight to thrive. There are literally dozens of species to choose from. This exotic tropical adds intrigue to your garden. So many things to love about Sansevierias! Touching the leaf juices can result in rashes or dermatitis. Money may not grow on trees, but the money tree plant delivers good fortune and positive energy — or so the legend goes. If you’re the type of person who enjoys the soft, delicate nature and pretty colors of flowers, the snake plant might not be for you.. I do not water it, because a snake plant outdoors doesn't need anything more than rain to sustain it. Under optimal growing conditions, Sansevieria Trifasciata grows up to 6 feet. There’s just one tricky aspect to growing these classic houseplants, and that’s knowing how often to water. Snake plant falling over isn't always bad. Even then, it won’t hurt to wait another few days, especially if you tend to overwater plants. Power Your Plants Naturally But in addition to it’s interior beauty, snake plant can also be grown outdoors during the warmer months. Snake plants can tolerate anything from the bright sunlight to low light environments. Required fields are marked *. For instance, in case of nematode problems, or when a fungal infection occurs near the soil line. Don't miss HGTV in your favorite social media feeds. However, because it is a succulent and stores water in its leaves, it does require a pot with a drainage hole and fast-draining potting soil. Fungus can grow on the wet leaves or moist soil surface. They are bigger containers that can keep many plants. Snake plants can absorb harmful toxins that are commonly present in the air. Learn how to care for this easy-growing beauty. If there are little showers of rain in the fall, skip watering unless needed. In fact overwatering is a common reason for problems in snake plants. It’s best to keep them below 40°F (4°C) at all times. Liquid and slow-release fertilizers are great options. Dig a hole for the snake plant that is slightly wider than the root system, though about as deep. What’s more, snake plants can … We are gonna guide you on watering your snake plan. New wish list item. You can find beautiful wooden, concrete or terracotta pots that are strong as well. Caring for the Monstera tropical houseplant, nicknamed "Swiss cheese plant," is not as scary as it sounds. Snake plants boast beauty that’s more than leaf deep. Water the plant during daytime, so the extra water can evaporate easily. These plants help to improve the growth of snake plant by providing essential nutrients to the plants … Although consuming a little part of the plant is not likely to kill your pet, it’s better to take precautions. If you are struggling to figure out the proper watering care for the plant, then stay with us till the end. By all means protect them from a winter rain. They can survive a wide range of temperature fluctuations. Virtually indestructible, snake plants grow best when you ignore them. Generally snake plants grow slowly indoors. While Sansevieria Trifasciata, Sansevieria Cylindrica look amazing both indoors and outdoors. Exactly how much water your plant needs will depend on many factors. Apart from the distinct gorgeous look, snake plants offer some more interesting benefits. This is the most critical aspect of growing a snake plant. Make sure to thoroughly soak the soil. … It can cause mushy leaves, root rot, and can even kill the plant. They can grow indoors and outdoors, with little to no maintenance. Soil. The ideal temperature range is around 60-85°F (15-30°C), but slightly higher temperatures can be easily tolerated. Snake plants are familiar, popular houseplants. Few hours of mild direct sun is good for the plant, especially in the morning. Never fertilize your plant in the winter. Never water during extremely cold winter nights. Finding a perfect place to keep your outdoor snake plant highly depends on your climate. Remember that these diehard plants thrive on neglect. Fungal diseases can be an outcome of overwatering a plant. Until 2017, it was known under the synonym Sansevieria trifasciata. Place them close to the entrance of your house. Snake plants are considered toxic for cats and dogs. Remove the damaged parts of the root. This will help to retain some warmth. If … And if you are looking for a low-maintenance outdoor planter (that you won't have to water much), plant snake plants with a mass of succulents. Snake plants grow best in warmer environments. Water: Snake plant can easily rot so make sure the soil is well-drained and don’t water it … Here’s how you can propagate a snake plant quickly by dividing it from the root-ball. The leaves are fleshy, narrow and pointed towards the ends.Each plant grows upright and spreads 2-3 feet at the top. © 2021 Discovery or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Snake plants planted outdoors in the ground will multiply on their own by spreading through their rhizomes. Outdoor snake plants are in close contact with natural elements. Avoid direct contact with cut and exposed parts. This can be repeated every 2-3 years. They’re like the housecleaning elves you dream about — except they clean the air while you sleep, which makes them a perfect choice for bedroom plantings. Water only when the soil is nearly dry. Protect your outdoor plants from heat by keeping them in a shaded area. Inspect the roots and rhizomes to see where they can be naturally separated. These plants will sustain irregular watering and low light as well. Outdoors: For an outdoor snake plant, try to place the plant in an area with plenty of light (you can't really give this plant too much light). Planters work perfect for outdoor plants. Spruce up your outdoor space with products handpicked by HGTV editors. This quality may not be very helpful for outdoors where the air is flowing freely. “When you do water, don’t drown it. During colder seasons, snake plants require very less to no water. If you tend to kill plants with neglect, then the tough-as-nails snake plant is the right choice for you. The plant can even be planted directly in bed spaces, and then re-potted in the fall for overwintering indoors. Divide and repot in the spring. Snake plants can survive without fertilizers, but feeding them at least 2-3 times a year will result in increased health and better growth. You better know about the must avoidable side before watering the plant. Don’t forget to make sure that your pot or planter has drainage holes. The key to success is knowing when to water. Tropical houseplants and select design details can bring the island vacation vibe into your home. Given that, it can … As far as placing the snake plant is concerned, make sure that you keep it in correct light conditions. Don’t add just a little bit of water because it needs less water. Snake plants are hardy, … Here in this post I explain how to care for your snake plant if you wish to grow it outdoors. How to grow beautiful healthy Sansevieria plants indoors & outdoors! Mature snake plants can reach up to 5 feet (150 centimeters) high. An architectural species, it features stiff, upright leaves that range from one to eight feet tall, depending on the variety. The container should also be proportional to your snake plant, not too big and not too small. Your outdoor snake plant will need repotting to promote healthy plant growth. With full sun outdoors, the plant's colors become more intense, and it blooms more profusely. The snake plant is a species of flowering plants that are native to Western Africa. Look for the pot materials that won’t easily crack, fade color or simply break. First of all, what makes snake plants great outdoor plants is that all the Sansevieria varieties are... Plant size and Growth. These plants grow up to 5-6 feet tall and can cover a large area by spreading through their rhizomes. Newer varieties include ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ snake plant, with 36-inch-tall green leaves variegated with white and cream stripes, and the playful Glowee, with leaves that glow in the dark. A potting mix made for tropical plants, or succulents and cacti also works great for the snake plants. Snake plants are considered lucky plants that bring in 8 good virtues into the house. They grow fast in soil with good drainage and are resistant to insects, heat, and warm climates. They also decrease the impact of airborne allergens. Snake plants usually have green banded leaves, while the variety called mother-in-law's tongue typically features a yellow border. While watering, pour the water around the pot edges, or close to the soil surface. Learn three methods of growing pineapples, including from grocery store fruit. If the temperature is going to drop below 50°F (10°C), you can cover the plant with a heavy cloth.
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