capt. Jerry was a race car driver He drove so god-damned fast Never did win no checkered flag But he never did come in last Jerry was a race car driver He'd say "El Sob number one" With a Bocephus sticker On his 442 he'd light 'em up Just for fun Captain Pierce was a fireman Richmond engine #3 I'll be a wealthy man when I get a dime "Paper Planes" was inspired by M.I.A. A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs, Writer/s: LES CLAYPOOL, REID L. III LALONDE, TIMOTHY W. ALEXANDER, More songs with clips from movies, TV shows or speeches, Waiting For The Break of Day: Three Classic Songs About All-Nighters. Jerry was a race car driver And he drove so goddamned fast He never did win no checkered flag But he never did come in last Jerry was a race Hot diamond watches real fake watches Huge Discounts or supply the best replica rolex 24 Hours Online, Album: They Can't All Be Zingers (Huma ma jistgħux kollha tiġi Zingers), Jerry Was a Race Car Driver (Jerry kien sewwieq tellieqa tal-karozzi), Hot diamond watches real fake watches Huge Discounts, supply the best replica rolex 24 Hours Online, They Can't All Be Zingers (Huma Ma Jistgħux Kollha Tiġi Zingers), They Can't All Be Zingers (Huma ma jistgħux kollha tiġi Zingers), To Defy the Laws of Tradition (Biex Defy il-liġijiet tat-tradizzjoni), Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers (Dawk Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers), Shake Hands with Beef [Version] (Ħawwad f'idejn mal-laħam taċ-ċanga [VERŻJONI]), Primus & the Chocolate Factory with the Fungi Ensemble (Primus & il-fabbrika taċ-ċikkulata mal-funġi Ensemble), Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People: Promo de Fromage (Annimali ma għandu jipprova Att bħal nies: Promo de Fromage), They Can't All Be Zingers [Best Buy Exclusive] (Huma ma jistgħux ikunu Zingers [aħjar xiri esklussiv]), Blame It on the Fish (Blame huwa fuq il-ħut), Hallucino-Genetics Live 2004 (Hallucino-ġenetika ħajjin 2004), Animals Should Not Try to Act Like People (Annimali ma għandu jipprova Att bħal nies), Tales from the Punchbowl-1 (Tales mill-Punchbowl-1), Tales from the Punchbowl (Tales mill-Punchbowl), Sailing the Seas of Cheese (Li jbaħħru l-ibħra tal-ġobon), Frizzle Fry [Bonus Track] (Frizzle Fry [Bonus Track]), You Go to My Head-110 (Inti mur tiegħi ras-110), Research and Development (Riċerka u żvilupp), Sweet Georgia Brown-14 (Ħelu Georgia Brown-14), The Jazz & Swing Collection (Il-ġbir Jazz & bil-molla), Antidotes in Passing (Antidoti fil-mogħdija), Fly International Luxurious Art-1 (Jtajru l-Arti-1 Luxurious internazzjonali). In the first verse, Jerry is a race car driver living it up. Despite popular belief, "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" was not the first ever Primus single. Primus's Jerry Was A Race Car Driver music video in high definition. “Jerry Was a Race Car Driver” is a song about a young man named Jerry who loves driving his fast car around his hometown of El Sobrante. Jerry Was A Race Car Driver tab by Primus. The Brazilian rocker sees pictures in his riffs. Credits. Tuning: E A D G B E. Author Unregistered. Primus - Jerry was a race car driver lyrics. Explain your version of song meaning, find more of Primus lyrics. Trivia. The song tells the stories of two characters, Jerry, an ill-fated race car driver who collides with a telephone pole while driving intoxicated (hence the use of "was", in the title) and Captain Pearce, a retired fireman. "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" is a song by the American funk metal band Primus. The Dixie Chicks got their name from the Little Feat song "Dixie Chicken." The song meaning itself is pretty much a paradox, where it can be impossible to interpret what the lyrics mean. Jerry was a race car driver, And he drove so god-damn fast. Primus - Jerry Was a Racecar Driver (2013 Mix) Lyrics. The TV show Cheers was nearly canceled after its first season, but the theme song, "Where Everybody Knows Your Name," was very popular. With a Bocephus sticker on his 442 He'd lighten up just for fun.
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