. Product Dimension: 19 x 6 x 17 inches Item Weight: 2.4 ounces Revenge Smoke Bombs. Someone once described withdrawals as little, wicked pets; chewing their escape of your skin, and as if all your pores were opening like a dried How To Get A Groundhog Out Of His Hole plant for just another beverage of harmful water. Since the animal is usually shy, this motion-activated sprinkling device may scare him enough that he will not enter your garden. You can plant onions, garlic and turnips on the outer edges of your garden. Once you found the opening, you can use some following options to get rid of this large rodent. Drop firecrackers down the hole, then finish it off with something. However, once you have gotten rid of the pest, it is wise to try and protect yourself from any further groundhog damage. Again, the strong smell will disguise the scent of the vegetables. The most widely used fumigant for woodchucks’ eradication is Methyl Bromide. . My husband, ill prepared to do battle with the groundhog, backed away and came back at a time when the groundhog was out searching for food. Groundhogs will not go near it if it smells like humans. Here are some other interesting facts about this gnawing animal. Groundhog meat is similar to other small game such as rabbit or squirrel. They are all predators so they may decide to go somewhere else. And you, the gardener, or farmer have a major problem. Question: Will human urine deter groundhogs? When I had a groundhog digging on the corner of my porch I did two things. Alternatively, you can connect a hose to your car’s exhaust pipe and run it into the entrance to the burrow. I am an avid self-taught gardener (I learn as problems arise), bird watcher, and nature lover. Put it as the entrance of the groundhog's burrow every several days. He also said that if groundhogs are a protected species in your area then you are, uh, fornicated (not exactly the word he used). We caught the very unpleasant animal and sent it packing 10 miles away. The second attempt, we set a trap using sheep mineral granules and bananas as bait. Wear thick, clean gloves to handle the trap. Before you do anything, I would suggest you locate all the holes. Bonide's Revenge Rodent Smoke Bombs, 61110 is a gassing method to get rid of moles,woodchucks, gophers. I think it is best to call a professional. As will fox urine. How To Lure A Groundhog Out Of Its Hole. … Natural Groundhog Repellent – … They have some reasonably priced smoke bombs. You can find gas cartridges for purchase at your local garden center or even on Amazon. Fumigating will smoke the rodent out of their burrow. How To Lure A Groundhog Out Of Its Hole. Revenge Smoke Bombs – The repellent makes the inside of the premises really unpleasant for numerous weeks. I would mess around with a lot of chemicals on my property but not really with this particular combination. At the base of trees, you can spray bobcat, fox or coyote urine. Carefully push the sock covered tube end down into main Groundhog entrance, push in without pulling back on tube. Needless to say, if you have a vegetable garden, the woodchuck has a major smorgasbord at it’s disposal. Kknsimagineer - THANK YOU.The war is over and I have won. Even if it doesn’t end up killing the groundhog, there is a chance that the fumes will be enough to flush him out and make him run far, far away. It would be a bit frightening if the propane exploded! Giant Destroyers are "smoke bombs" that are placed in the burrows of moles. You can use the car’s exhaust to smoke the woodchuck out. Use a scarecrow, motion-activated water sprinkling device. Use this smoke bombs to keep you lawn healthy and clear of this burrowing pests. Step Two: Find all the groundhog tunnel openings. Shoot it. Well, I did some more searching and I turned up a few more things. I spent 7+ years working on an LPG (ethane, propane, butane, normal gasoline) pipeline and didn't realize it was that heavy (we always used SpG related to water). I also use a newspaper bag with holes in it, tie it on loosely over the sock. Having a smoke alarm cuts your chance of dying nearly in half if you have a home fire. . Congratulations on your success. They eat vegetables like soybeans, beans, peas, lettuce, cabbage, zucchini, carrots and their tops and grasses. Allow to set a minute, then slowly pull out tubing with a twisting motion , so that sock remains in hole.The sock works as a wick for the gas. One website said to chuck something that smells really rank into the hole. You can either search groundhog smoke bombs, or you can look for "The Giant Destroyer," which they sell online. Get a ferret they are made for ferreting out groundhogs and stand over the den with a shotgun. Another not so humane way, plug the holes, release propane / butane into the network. However, if you do install an electrical wire, be sure to clear any vegetation that may start forming on the fence. The bomb will emit sulfur dioxide or carbon monoxide smoke for a few minutes, killing the woodchuck inside. Reply It worked. Try predator odor repellents. I don't think it will blow your dam up, but don't take my word, I've never had groundhog infested dam problem before. Get assorted fruits and put them outside the hole, step back 50-100 yards and light that sucker up with whatever caliber bullet you want. Deter with garlic and pepper. These things work great! . Giant Destroyer smoke bombs produce a gas when ignited and dropped into burrows that will kill moles, gophers, woodchucks, rats, skunks and ground squirrels. When the electric wire is attached to the charge, it will prevent the groundhog from climbing or burrowing to get at your vegetables. This will allow you to get a clear view of their 6 to 10 inch burrow opening without the vegetation concealing the entrance. Pour ammonia down their tunnel. To be effective at keeping them out, a fence should be made of wire with openings no larger than 3 inches. After being unable to catch any groundhogs in a live trap, I turned to smoke bombs to solve my rodent problem. Prevent other animals from moving in by securing all entry points with wood, brick, screen, fence or mesh. There is not much to see unless you are into staring at dirt walls full of holes. Here are some different options you can try to control a groundhog: When we first encountered our own land-beaver problem, we were not sure what type of animal was eating from our garden and stripping the bases of our trees. It is also labeled gophers ,moles, woodchucks, rats, squirrels, ground squirrels and skunks. 2) Another not so humane way, plug the holes, release propane / butane into the network. It didn’t touch a thing. Use strong smelling flowers, such as daffodils and marigolds around your garden. The easiest way is to buy gas cartridges (also known as gas bombs). Allow the ground hog to go into the hole. If it dosent come out and you are a nuts person then light the propane and blow them to kingdom come. Many individuals choose fragrances based upon their odor and their abilities to draw in the contrary sex. Fumigation kills the groundhog while it is inside the burrow. The groundhog has a compact, stout body, with short legs and a short, bristly tail. The smoke will quickly fill up within the dirt, trapping the groundhog inside with the carbon monoxide. I dont know about using cat liter because I tried and it didnt work for me. Seek appropriate medical care if you receive any injuries from the animals. You can even light them up (optional). They can climb trees and are strong swimmers. The woodchuck finds the barberry roots to be distasteful and the thorny bush difficult to get over. That could either flush them out or suffocate them. If you use mesh fencing around your garden, you will need to bury the lower edge of the fence 12 inches in the ground with the lower 6 inches bent at an L-shaped angle leading outward. Go rent the movie Caddyshack, Bill Murry has some interesting ideas re pest control. . . The repellents will deter the rodent from gnawing on the base of the tree. Step Five: Continue to douse the tunnels for a week or two in order to prevent them from coming back after it dissipates or is washed away by rain. Some good indicators of a groundhog's presence are: A hole 10 to 12 inches wide in the ground or under your outdoor storage shed with mounds of dirt outside it. It should repel the groundhog. There are different options you can use to get rid of a groundhog. ( I would try that last one if I were you because you would probably kill yourself :p ). To use them, you will need to cover all the holes of the burrow, except the main one, with either large rocks or plugs of sod slightly larger than the hole. Bait the groundhog into a trap, catch it, and then release it in a wooded area five miles away from your home. It is also referred to as land-beavers, woodchuck or whistle-pig. For this reason it is necessary to How To Get A Groundhog Out Of Its Hole pick the scent appropriately as you just wish to draw in those that you choose. By properly placing, regularly testing and maintaining your alarms, you can ensure that they are in fact working and will alert you if a fire breaks out. With a little observation and patience, wait until the groundhog is underground in its burrow. Any help would be great thanks. Pro-Pest Professional Lures for Woodchucks and Groundhogs with 100% food-grade materials. Driving an animal out of the crawl space is only a temporary solution to the problem. . (I have found .243 to be the best round for this situation). You have killed the hogs! Yes, dont own a gun and propane scares the daylights out of me when just an errant spark can end your day. The fence should be at least 3 feet high. How To Get A Groundhog Out Of Its Hole. Smoke them out of their tunnel. This is a method under which fumigants – gaseous pesticides – are used to poison the woodchucks within. BTW, the figure for air is dry. The first thing you need to do before you set up a compost container is determine what your needs are. I know it is a very old topic but mixing bleach with ammonia is not for the faint of heart.The most dangerous chemicals produced by mixing them are Chloramine, NH2CL and Hydrazine N2H4.Chloramines can form chlorophenols and both are nasty chemicals.And well, Hydrazine is not just toxic but also quite unstable. While young groundhogs provide tender meat, you can marinate meat from mature animals to tenderize it. A little searching turns up: . If you have a resident land-beaver the best time to get rid of it would be late February or early March when they are just awakening from hibernation. After that I realize that I was just acting How To Get A Groundhog Out Of His Hole that I took pleasure in the mania to make sure that it would not hurt so negative. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. This is more effective if done after dark or after scaring hogs back into the hole. With curved claws and long forefeet, they are very proficient diggers. The groundhog live trap should be set in the trail immediately in front of the burrow main entrance and baited with apple slices, carrots or lettuce. o i thought it was something like cinderblocks and the groundhogs were digging under it.... I found these by Googling groundhog +exterminat, http://www.undergroundexterm.com/groundhog_extermination.html, http://www.doyourownpestcontrol.com/woodchuck.htm. I have heard stories of flamethrowers, fire, and other idiotic ideas. It might run them off if you keep messing with them, but it may just make them burrow deeper. Another website said to mixing soap and ammonium pored into there burrow will flush them out. Place the bomb into the burrow opening, and then cover the opening with dirt and rocks. 1) A .22 caliber rifle Above the fence, you can place an electric wire. Gas cartridges release carbon monoxide in lethal amounts in a groundhog’s burrows. Steps to Remove A Groundhog From Under A Shed Or Porch Good point. Yes these chemicals can be a dangerous combination. Create vibrations in the ground to scare them away. Stones, logs, or twigs placed (funneled) between the burrow opening and the trap would aid in funneling the animal into the trap. In the real world it will be a little higher because of water vapor. You can smoke groundhogs out of their underground homes. Gotta cut the lawn a bit more with no more chucks but the blood pressure is way down and havent sprained an ankle bolting out of the kitchen screaming like a banshee!!!! In most cases, the first choice of any homeowner is to get rid of a groundhog. Perhaps some kind of secret emergency escape tunnel that they have? If you can't/won't use poison, you need to call a pro to trap them. Get yourself a 10 foot piece of 1 inch diameter, thin wall plastic black tubing. Once you’ve placed the gas cartridge in the groundhog’s … Make sure the groundhog is inside the hole before fumigating. When someone mentions groundhog, they usually think of Punxsutawney Phil, the cuddly groundhog that gives us a sign of spring. In order to help your gardens out from this nasty groundhogs, we are here with the tips on how to get rid of groundhogs in your garden. You're right, you need to get rid of them ASAP. I've heard you can flood them out, but I don't think mud makes a very good dam. Seriously, drop a lot of them. Good idea, but I think I would substitute CO2, Argon, or other inert gas (you can get them at just about any welding supply store) for the propane. Groundhog is a candidate for the slow cooker as well as for other cooking methods that also result in … I was thinking that because propane is heavier than air it would sink into the inner parts of its home and choke it so it has to come to the surface for air. This rodent belong to the family known as marmots which is in the family of large ground squirrels. Not only does it keep a woodchuck out of your garden, but also it can keep rabbits, dogs, cats, and other animals out of the garden area. I have counted around five separate holes in the wall and have tried to smoke them out with around 5 separate smoke grenades, but apparently the tunnel system is much like the Viet Cong and are just to vast. Reply You need not to worry guys. Try to place it very close to their favorite food source or burrow. 'Smoke Out' at the Capitol Results in Latest Riot Arrest A Long Island man who prosecutors say celebrated the storming of the U.S. Capitol by smoking a joint in the rotunda has been arrested. It has no peanuts and no pesticides, with no known allergens. just grab a pitchfork and starting jabbing at those things... or go plug up some holes and put co2 through the thing... or rebuild the thing.... or go get some mouse traps and put some peanut butter or something on them, i would think that that would work for groundhogs too. I was thinking more about using smell or sound to drive the groundhog out.I have heard they do not like the smell of cat liter,but it could just be a myth. Make sure you do not close all of the entrances so the smoke won’t kill the animal. Answer: Look at Amazon. OMG I didnt know propane was that heavy!!!!!!! planted their favorite food (basil and kale) and not a nibble after two weeks. How to plug a groundhog hole: For fumigation to be effective, seal the groundhog’s holes so the pest can’t escape. How to Get Rid of Groundhogs Bait the groundhog into a trap, catch it, and then release it in a wooded area five miles away from your home. . In fact, it took several tries to get rid of it. Shovel dirt around tubing and also cover secondary entrances. Pour ammonia down their tunnel. That could either flush them out or suffocate them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lYm0c7gYyU. But Zervanos, who’s studied groundhog hibernation extensively, points out that hibernation isn’t as cut and dried a process as people think. Natural Groundhog Repellent. The strong smell from the flowers can disguise the scent of the vegetables. Answer: I doubt it. Anyway, if this cuddly, 12-pound rodent is digging up your lawn, destroying your garden, under your house, shed or patio, you are not thinking “cuddly”; you’re thinking “how do I get rid of this thing?” Yes, I say this in the kindest of terms and with a great deal of sarcasm as well. Cover the entrance more thoroughly. then covered the tube with soil and lots of rocks. The best time to use fumigants is in late April or early May.
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