Hedgehogs are easily recognized by their spines, which are hollow hairs made stiff with keratin. This is another non-malicious hedgehog bite example that might happen at some point. If you have sustained a bite from a hedgehog – cleaning the wound should come first. If your pet hedgehog decides to bite it often means they’re trying to tell you there’s something going on that they don’t like. If you’re sweaty from working out, just ate, or have some nice-smelling lotion on your hands, a nibble might come. If your hedgehog is too cold they might decide to show you by giving your finger a little nip. The key thing is to allow your hedgehog to independently forage its wild domain. This is one of the most effective ways that they collect information about the world around them! Required fields are marked *, [Please note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.]. The hedgehog will start to lick one stop continuously, then might try to bite the spot he is licking. A reaction to uncomfortable handling perhaps, or irritation at continual handling. They will bite at times – no matter how well accustomed to your company they become. Other hedgehogs do not like being too close to people or restrained by them. Hedgehogs have fairly small teeth designed to crunch insects. Even if you have the nicest dog in the world, it probably makes your hedgehog nervous when it’s around. Although we are only trying to show them some love, we often ask ourselves why do hedgehogs bite? Hedgehogs love to sniff and smell things as you’ve probably noticed if you own one already. And various types of smells can influence their behaviour more than others. Then you should attempt to handle them for a little bit before putting them back in their cage. If you continue to hold and play with your hedgie daily, your chances of getting bitten are slim. As we mentioned before, hedgehogs can bite when they’re physically uncomfortable and illness could be the cause. If your hedgehog bites due to experimenting with taste and smell, just move your fingers away. When they are startled, they will hiss and jump as a warning and will eventually bite … So, it is always worth handling them with the expectation that on rare occasions, something unexpected may happen. In mom hedgehogs, is their way of telling you to stay away from their litter. If you tend to play with them in an area that has loud and startling noises this will keep them in a constant state of stress, making them more likely to bite. Hedgehogs that are active in your hands and are running on the “human treadmill” of your hands are simply frustrated because they aren’t getting down to explore or because they need more freedom of movement. Do they get along with other pets? If you do get a biter who won't let go, jut relax. Loud noises or kids running around while you’re trying to handle your hedgehog might put them on edge. This might sound a little silly at first, but a firm burst of air in their face is usually enough to make them release their jaws. However, in the typical domesticated setting biting can occur for a number of reasons. I've had my little girl for 4 months now and only got bitten for smelling a little like chicken after dinner lol! Fortunately, there are remedies for flea infestation. Reasons your hedgehog bites you ; How to react when your hedgehog bites you; How to prevent a hedgehog from … Also, they might be more prone to biting if you reach into areas of their cage that they consider their territory. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about hedgehog bites. Have a more observational, rather than relational dynamic will minimise such occurrences. So they are used to being held and enjoy it! Just like how you might not feel super happy when you’re under the weather, the same goes for your hedgie. In general, hedgehog bites are not something you’ll have to worry about very often. Yes your hedgie can surely eat some Super Worms, and they can become a part of their daily diet, but there are caveats. If you want to reduce the chance of your hedgehog biting again in the future there are a number of easy things you can do. The worst thing you can do is reduce the amount of time you’re handling them (or stopping altogether). Illness can also make a hedgehog more prone to biting. Their environment plays a big part in how relaxed or nervous they can be. A Full Cost & Price Breakdown, Where To Buy A Hedgehog: Your Full List Of Options, How To Bathe A Hedgehog: The Correct Method, 400+ Cute Hedgehog Names (For Males & Females), Hedgehog Litter Box Training: Doing It The Right Way, Keeping Hedgehogs Warm: Heat Lamps, Pads, & Other Tips, 15 Hedgehog Supplies You Can’t Live Without (New List), The 7 Best Hedgehog Carrier Bags (2021 Review), The Best Hedgehog Toys: Our Complete Buyer Guide. Please feel free to join the conversation below. In general, the chance of a hedgehog bite happening is often higher when they’re near a hedgehog of the opposite gender for example. “The best hedgehog diet would be a specially formulated hedgehog or insectivore diet, of which there are many commercially available preparations,” says Dr. Keller. Or, something may have happened that placed them into defense mode…or one of the other six reasons why hedgehogs typically bite. This has been their primary defense mechanism for ages, and it’s not going to change anytime soon. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. If, however, biting happens on a more frequent than often basis, the following points could point you in the right direction as for ‘why’. On occasion a young hedgehog can mistake a human fingertip as a mama nipple. Sometimes hedgehogs will lick salt from sweaty hands and become tempted to bite,because they like the salty taste. If a mother hedgehog is focused on making a nest or you’re attempting to breed she might be a little more high-strung than normal (understandably).eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'hedgehogworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'hedgehogworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',108,'0','1'])); This can happen with males as well. Hedgehogs can bite if they feel threatened especially if they are startled. In general, hedgehog bites are not something you’ll have to worry about very often. While you might think it removes the chance of a hedgehog bite, it’s not a realistic solution.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'hedgehogworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',112,'0','0'])); The whole point of having these pets is to enjoy each other’s company and grow a bond. This isn’t common but it’s something to consider if this happens regularly. So, while they may be a bit sharp, they are generally not a threat to humans, and not considered dangerous. The number of people who…, Giving your hedgehog a bath is an important part of being a responsible owner. This is a bit more obvious but it’s still worth mentioning. Join the conversation via an occasional email, The Hutch Company Hedgehog House and Hibernation Shelter, Spikes Hedgehog Food: Dry, Semi Moist & Moist (Complete Formula), various types of smells can influence their behaviour. Do Hedgehogs Bite? Here’s a quick checklist that will come in handy when you’re looking for help on this topic: Even domesticated ones are wild at heart although subdued and trained by people. If you wake up your hedgehog in the middle of the day to handle it, it may bite Hedgehogs can bite people for a variety of reasons. For best outcomes, cultivate a conducive wild environment with creature comforts on your premises and keep regular routines of care to maintain the hedgehog in good condition. Even though the answer is technical yes, it’s a little more complicated than that. In… Hedgehog World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This is a super easy fix that won’t interrupt your playtime routine. Whilst the initial shock of the experience might have taken you on this internet search, we hope the following detail helps you deal with it practically. It’s such an unexpected sensation that they’ll typically need a second to regroup and figure out what happened! Now you know what to expect from a hedgehog bite and the likely causes. What are the nearest relatives of the hedgehog? You may also be interested in: Why Do Rabbits Bite Humans? When this happens, the chance of a bite goes up significantly. There can be a number of stimuli that may startle your hedgehog into biting. The time of day that you handle and play with your hedgehog might not be optimal for them. If you put up a wall then it’s not fair to anyone, and won’t solve the biting issue. Instead they will lay down on its back and will only hurt if you pet against the grain. Hedgehogs may bite as a way to communicate if they are tired, stressed, or uncomfortable. You'll probably recall something and you'll know how to avoid future biting episodes. However, depending on the reason behind the bite, hedgehogs might break the skin. When you push toward them it makes their jaw relax and encourages them to stop biting as well. Some experienced owners and breeders like to make noise as well. If you have children, set a rule for them to be quiet and respectful of your hedgie during this time as well.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'hedgehogworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',111,'0','0'])); Quick Note: Also be mindful of other animals. However, their poop does and should be removed from the cage daily. Food that might still be on your hands or a scented soap or land lotion can make your hedgehog think your finders are a tasty snack! Hedgehogs enjoy their natural environment of the outdoors and this is where we see them at their best. In that case, it’s worth considering the possibility that something more serious might be happening (like a health-related condition). They will use their noses and mouths as the primary body parts for examining their habitat. The bite feels similar to a hamster bite. No, hedgehogs do not smell. What does irregular hedgehog breathing mean? How often and what triggers biting can vary. Lastly, we wanted to take a second to address this common question we get a lot from new and prospective owners. Super Worms can bite your hedgehog and cause pain. Hedgehogs quills, to me, felt like toothpicks, they are pretty sharp, but usually if the hedgehog knows you he won't put this quills up to harm you.
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