Consult your veterinarian with concerns about plants before feeding them to your reptile or using them in your home or yard. Make sure to double check this vs. Pothos, they look alike and are generally mix together at most plant stores. Toxic Plants: Acokanthera – Acokanthera spp. But to keep a chameleon healthy and safe, you need to give it a nice habitat. beeze Avid Member. Apr 24, 2010 #3 an AMAZING safe plant list is on its got a mother load of plants . It has been known to cause the death of cats, dogs, and small children. This plant is considered a neurotoxin. Chameleon Terrarium Chameleon Plant Chameleon Care Veiled Chameleon Reptile Terrarium Chameleon Enclosure Reptile Enclosure Paludarium Vivarium. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis. This is a very common beautiful plant available in almost all nurseries in the states. (all parts toxic, except ripe fruit) Amaryllis – Amaryllis spp. Apr 24, 2010 #2 There's one on the right side of the home page here. REPTILE SAFE PLANT LIST. Chameleon Safe Plant List 10/03/2016. Plant names can vary depending on the source and region. Live plants for your Chameleon cage can provide added humidity and create an environment that helps make your pet chameleon feel comfortable and less stressed out. You can buy chameleon cages of mesh or glass, or you could devote a whole room to your chameleon. view our sponsors. VeiledOwner87 New Member. This plant requires a lot of bright light with some direct sunlight throughout each day. The plant will shadow the bottom with its umbrella leaves and thin out, become unnaturally long, and look very flimsy and unattractive. This is not a comprehensive list of all the possible plants you can use in a terrarium; however, herpetology books and articles have deemed the following list of plants safe. A note on "safe" plants: The plants on this list are generally believed to be safe.However, if you suspect that a child (or adult) has eaten quantities of any of these plants (or any of their parts), or if you notice symptoms such as illness or dermatitis after handling these plants, call your Poison Control Center for additional information: (800) 222-1222. Is there a CHAMELEON safe plant list? In the list below you will see common name and scientific name of safe plants suitable to put in your reptile terrarium, which can also be consumed by lizards such as Bearded Dragons or Chameleons without fear of any toxicity. Some Chameleon cages, while being light well, are usually only light well form the top. Our favorite is Golden Pothos, but feel free to use any type of pothos you like. Here are some of the plants that chameleon keepers often use in their enclosure: 1. A lot of the information you can find about what plants are safe are actually based on what is safe or toxic to cats and dogs, which are obviously drastically different from panther chameleons. *Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane) All parts of the plant are poisonous, due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. Apr 25, 2010 #4 Safe Plants List for Chameleons . Saved by Jessica Barley. View All Safe Plants Ample horizontal and vertical branches of varying diameters Syn Avid Member. Appropriately sized screen enclosure (tank acceptable for pygmy chameleons) Live nontoxic plants such as Hibiscus, Ficus, Schefflera, Pothos, etc. Safe Plants for Reptiles Non-toxic list of safe plants for your lizards to eat. Whatever you choose, ensure your chameleon has plenty of branches and natural objects to climb on, and can access basking bulbs and ultraviolet lights. Chameleon safe plant list. Consult a local nursery to verify the names of plants. 738. . One of the most tried and true panther chameleon safe plants are pothos. by Reptile Specialty.
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