They can live well alone but they enjoy the company of each other. The best way to maintain a healthy ferret is to be certain to take your ferret for vaccinations and annual vet check-ups. You must carefully consider a dog's temperament before introducing him or her to a ferret. You can keep ferrets of the same sex or male and female ferrets together. Ferrets have a very sensitive and delicate respiratory system therefore you should never use just any cat litter in their trays. Asked by Wiki User. Dogs and Ferrets . Dogs and ferrets is a much more complicated and individual issue. ... A lot of people say keeping a ferret alone will shorten its lifespan. Sunny Le. A healthy ferret can live anywhere from 6 to 10 years. Relevance. He very much seems to be happier in a … Then we have a ferret like Artemis who lived as a solo ferret before coming to us, occasionally having play dates with other ferrets. How Can My Ferret Live Longer? Maybe they can, but they are happier in pairs. WAIT i know they would be 'happier' i gues with a friend but do they NEED a friend like guinea pigs do? Most ferrets would like the company of another ferret. Ferrets make great pets and are lots of fun. Also, since ferrets are highly-social, they require enough time to relax and rejuvenate. As with most animals, ferrets are territorial. Can a ferret live alone? That’s not to say they don’t enjoy socializing and playing games with you. Ferrets can not only spread around human influenza, they can catch it, too. Without a proper introduction, ferrets can become enemies at first. The book “ferret for dummies” happens to be a great place to start reading up on ferret ownership and lifespan. Can I leave a ferret alone in my apartment? Symptoms are pretty much the same as when people get the flu, and they’re treated with antibiotics and decongestants. Ferrets are naturally quite sociable creatures; they do enjoy living in groups. Can Ferrets Live Alone? Wiki User Answered . Perhaps you’re trying to decide whether to get one or two ferrets? Are you considering getting a ferret? 2010-07-12 00:47:25 2010-07-12 00:47:25. You Can Use Any Cat Litter For Ferrets. 9 10 11. What grooming is required? 2 Answers. Murder on the other hand can't handle being alone at all, even when going to the vet we take at least one other ferret along. They don’t need other animals or human interaction to be happy. Before you bring in the new roommate, you should introduce your pets to each other. Proper grooming and maintenance are vital for a happy, healthy ferret. Ferrets can actually be a little tough on cats, especially kittens, so don't let a grown ferret play with a kitten without close supervision. Unlike dogs, who can become distressed and neurotic when left alone for prolonged periods of time, ferrets are content to be by themselves. In the following you can learn about the different reasons why ferrets might appear dead to their owner: Why do Ferrets Play Dead? The domesticated ferret can be born with a wide range of fur colors, including dark-eyed white, sable, black sable, silver, albino, cinnamon and chocolate. Can ferrets be kept alone? do ferrets need a friend or can they live by there self? Ferrets are naturally clean animals and will groom themselves often. by Ferrets Best | Are Ferrets Good Pets?, Ferret Care. Lots of ferrets love playing around in water, so you can give them a bath from time to time which is usually around once a month had will reduce any odours if there are any! Yes, you can. When you are considering bringing a ferret into your home, you may be wondering if it is necessary to have more than one ferret judging by the massive pile of ferrets cuddling together in pet stores. Ferrets play dead when they are alone, playful, or sick. Answer. thanks :) Answer Save. Top Answer. 20. Your pet may play dead as a sign of requesting more hours of rest.
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