Curious, friendly, safe around children and easy on the eye these birds are autosexing so we can guarantee you female chicks. Bielefelder. These hens are big, beautiful, and friendly. Bielefelders are a rare and lovely autosexing breed originating in Germany. It might take several generations of back crossing to get the autosexing back. One of the most beautiful varieties of American game fowl -- a breed that is slowly vanishing in America. Breasts of both sexes should be meaty and well-rounded. Hens should ideally weigh eight to 10 pounds and roosters should tip the scales at 10 to 12 pounds. Weighty on the breast, the males make for good meat birds and end up being more tender than American Bresse. There are a number of autosexing breeds developed in the UK and Europe. The cause of the chickens blackness is a genetic condition known as fibromelanosis. Most of their names are contractions of the original breeding stock names, which is why they sound similar: Amrock, Ancobar, Barnebar, Bielefelder Kennhuhn, Brockbar, Brussbar, Buffbar, Cambar, Cobar, Legbar (Cream and Gold), Dorbar, 55 Flowery Hen, Hambar, Niederrheiner, Norske Jaerhon, Oklabar, Polbar, Rhodebar, … Brown Red Game. Bielefelder As a reminder, to help ensure a safe arrival to you, the minimum number of chicks for each order prior to April 1st is 25. This is the uber chicken: autosexing, beautiful, friendly, and it lays gorgeous jumbo eggs! Legs should be yellow and eyes orange-red in color. Brown Red Game. One of the most beautiful varieties of American game fowl -- a breed that is slowly vanishing in America. Ayam means chicken in Indonesian and Cemani means completely black in Javanese. In the case of Bielefelders, the males have a … Mar 13, 2013 - Bielefelder Chicken Pair | Greenfire Farms Autosexing at hatch. Autosexing involves the barred gene and the wild-type gene, so it depends what the hen is. View Hatching Eggs › Disposition Friendly, Calm Eggs 200+ per year Egg Weight 70 grams Point of Lay 7 months Traits Autosexing, Dual Feb 28, 2018 chicks and hatching eggs NEW This breed lays eggs like a hybrid commercial breed (230 eggs a year) only their eggs are larger and cream/tan. Autosexing means the birds have great homesteading potential, because you can distinguish pullets from cockerels at hatch by the color or pattern of down on the chicks. In most cases, chicks of this breed are autosexing, meaning you can identify sex at … Whatever you could want in a chicken, the Bielefelder has it! Heavy blooms on these eggs often result in peachy-colored shells. Bielefelder. A steal at only $999/breeding pair $50 seems reasonable for chickens that are rare in the US, are dual purpose, docile in nature and carry the autosexing capability. If you buy just one breed, this is it. Bielefelders are sold in pairs. By making the choice to be a steward of auto-sexing chickens, you can play an important role in securing your food sovereignty and curating these remarkable chicken breeds. The only cross that will reliably give autsexing chicks in the first generation is a hen from a breed that is also autosexing, like a rhodebar or legbar. This is the uber chicken: autosexing, beautiful, friendly, and it lays gorgeous jumbo eggs! Autosexing at hatch, and one of the sweetest breeds we've ever worked with. If you buy just one breed, this is it. The Cemani is a completely black chicken inside and out, meaning skin, meat, feathers, feet, comb, and even inside their months are black and some say even their blood is black. Considering these chickens run between $20 and $30 ea. On and after April 1st, the minimum number of chicks required is 6 for selected breeds and 15 for all other chicks. Best of all, you can tell the sex of the chicks immediately upon hatch – this is a true autosexing breed.
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