Definitely, they were perplexed by observing the contradictory habit of beef-eating by the so-called “cattle-protectors”. Nirukta 2.7. It is at and VIII, 101. 2-6). ?????? All the same, this difference need not have given rise to such extreme division of society as is marked by Untouchability. Cows painted over a door are believed to bring good luck. ?? Then the abstemious ascetic Brethren, learning this, reported the circumstances to the Master, who thereupon called the Brethren together. The Kama Sutra (3rd cent CE?) It says: “This Yupa is a weapon. To go one better than the Buddhist Bhikshus not only to give up meat-eating but to become vegetarians- which they did. Then comes the destruction of foetus of pregnant ladies and crime committed against “kuravar”, implying priestly class. It should have extended to all other animals. If this is all that the Touchable Hindu wants to convey by his answer there need be no quarrel over it. points out that alcohol and dog meat increase a man’s virility but then adds, somewhat halfheartedly, that a circumspect man would nonetheless take neither. To refute them, we are fortunate to have available the most ancient commentary on this mantra by none other than Adi Shankaracharya, revered by Hindus as the reviver of Hinduism in India and finishing off Buddhism and Jainism. I do not intend to poke fun at Mahabharata or any other sacred book of Hinduism or any other religion. Indus people kept cattle, pigs, sheep and goats for food. Why he should have stopped eating man at a particular time? ???? The Jataka also mentions maghata and adds that they would be announced by the beat of a drum (Jataka IV,115). There is one universal feature which characterises all religions. But there is nothing surprising in it. They are only given to prove that cow meat was consumed. It is generally believed that the Buddhist Bhikshus eschewed animal food. The third most important god was Soma, and in the Soma sacrifice including cows as bali (victim) was crucial. However, none has pointed out significantly that they ate beef also. The Atreya Brahamana says : “He who desires heaven, ought to make his Yupa of Khadira wood. Definitely, this must have created a strong impression upon the minds of the men and women of Sangam society. So there came to be five classes or descriptions of flesh which the professed Buddhist was at liberty to use as food. Performance of this sacrifice depicted the royal granduer. ??????? ????? ???? ???? Their breach is more than a crime. The reason why Broken Men only became Untouchables was because in addition to being Buddhists they retained their habit of beef-eating which gave additional ground for offence to the Brahmins to carry their new-found love and reverence to the cow to its logical conclusion. A Vedic yajna is typically performed by an adhvaryu priest, with a number of additional priests such as the hotar, udgatar playing a major role, next to their dozen helpers, by reciting or singing Vedic verses. (Part 4 of Madhavi's story). (5.22-23) “He may eat meat when it is sacrificially consecrated, at the behest of Brahmins, when he is ritually commissioned according to rule…” (5.27). Indeed the exhortations prove that cow-killing and eating of beef had become a common practice. THE non-Brahmins have evidently undergone a revolution. 048 mAdhavi's story part-9 - Was viSvAmitra's intellect well-driven or not? The Brahadamyaka Upanishad upholds the doctrine of transmigration (vi.2) and yet recommends that if a man desires to have a learned son born to him he should prepare a mass of the flesh of the bull or ox or of other flesh with rice and ghee. All that is necessary to reach the answer I have proposed is to read the analysis of the working of the laws of the sacred with the cow as the sacred object. Prof. Vincent Smith is of opinion that Asoka did not prohibit the killing of the cow. That is why the profane is forbidden to address the sacred things or to utter them. I agree that a meaning of 'Aghnya' is 'not fit to be killed', however, this does not tell us the entire story. They are Rig Veda 1.164, 27; IV.1.6; V 82-8; V11.69. They gave up beef-eating which was one revolution. With the excavation of number of artefacts like sling balls of clay, copper fish hooks, the arrow heads, the flying knives etc strongly prove that these were required to kill and rear animals and birds which were dressed with these instruments and included in their food items after cooking. 8. Among the mortal sins Manu includes: XI. (words in brackets mine), Does this mean that no Hindu scholar for thousands of years has been able to understand the meaning of this chapter? One of these laws is that the lower classes always imitate the higher classes. He, the purchased Soma, truly comes as his (the sacrificer's) guest,–to him (is offered) that (hospitable reception): even as for a king or a Brâhman one would cook a large ox or a large he-goat–for that is human (fare offered to a guest), and the oblation is that of the gods–so he prepares for him that guest-offering. Vaisampayana said, 'Having cooked, according to due rites, the other excellent animals that were sacrificed, the priests then sacrificed, agreeably to the injunctions of the scriptures, that steed (which had wandered over the whole world). There are two passages in the Satapatha Brahmana which relate to animal sacrifice and beef-eating. CE. ?????? He says, "You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. Kutadanta on the other hand in thanking Buddha for his conversion gives an idea of the magnitude of the slaughter of animals which took place at such sacrifices when he says: “I, even I betake myself to the venerable Gotama as my guide, to the Doctrine and the Order. As has been shown it has not been done as a result of the preachings of Manu, their Divine Law-maker. ???????? 5. Stop its breathing within (by stopping its mouth). This made beef-eating a sacrilege. The horse to be sacrificed is sprinkled with water, and the Adhvaryu and the sacrificer whisper mantras into its ear. The presence of bison, elephant, and hippopotamus in these contexts lends support to the idea of a moister climate than today’s. Again, it is not specifically mentioned in the literature as to whether they were keeping the human bodies for concealing from others to hide their inhuman crime or for other purposes to suspect cannibalism. Beef eating and yagna practices were definitely prevalent among the ancient Tamils. That this was the object of the Brahmins in becoming vegetarians can be proved in various ways. This application of the utility of the cow did not prevent the Aryan from killing the cow for purposes of food. References are there how leather was obtained after the death of bull / ox. To my mind, it was strategy which made the Brahmins give up beef-eating and start worshipping the cow. Thus, this argument stands nullified. Seeing all these evidences this argument of the Hindtuva polemicist also turns out to be false. The flesh of the rhinoceros, offered to the Pitris on the anniversaries of the lunar days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. Do not kill cows and bulls who always deserve to be protected. Several of the animals cannot be identified. Again, how is it that this doctrine which is propounded in the Upanishads did not have any effect on the Brahmins upto the time of the Manu Smriti, a period of at least 400 years. I point out to you the forest cow. ??????? If the horse wanders into neighbouring provinces hostile to the sacrificer, they must be subjugated. È Chronologically, nothing could be specifically mentioned about the starting and introduction of beef-eating in the Tamizhagam based on the evidence of religion and theology. Will anybody care to look at some unknown shades of Mahabharata? But this regard and veneration of the cow are only to be expected from an agricultural community like the Indo-Aryans. ???????? But a man who, being duly engaged (to officiate or to dine at a sacred rite), refuses to eat meat, becomes after death an animal during twenty-one existences. Doing so gives a completely different picture that Vedas are instructing people not to kill a horse. S. Gurumurthy, Archaeology and Tamil Culture, University of Madras, Madras, 1974, p.25. A Snataka should not urinate in a cowpan. ????????? The other passage is at 1, 2, 3, 6. ????? A fatty cow was sacrificed at the bottom of a neem tree where a God resided, its blood sprinkled and then its flesh cooked by the Mazhavar – Vetch virar – warriors who captured cows during their raids from the depradators – Karandai, again in the palai region (Agam.309:1-5). The references found about the usage of such leather for drums / tabours are as follows: ó The skin of an Ox, which was without any blemish and not used in any other work, was used to cover the drum (Madu.732-733). ?????? 4. ???? A scientific Hindu. Why then did the non-Brahmins give up eating beef? 5. Occasionally full pots in fragments were also present in the pits. It is also certain that they exploited aquatic resources like mollusc and fish. The curious may want to know what has led men to see in this world this dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. This is only a bogus claim of those who are unwilling to accept that their ancestors used to eat beef. Two explanations are offered. This statement might surprise many people owing to the popular belief that the connection between Ahimsa and Buddhism was immediate and essential. There are two series of references in the Rig Veda on which reliance is placed. In Rig Veda (X. The precise method of cow slaughter in the Indus Valley Civilisation, 1) 51. XI. ???????? We have no clue what they contain. ???? Not surprisingly, it was therefore the best offering to his gods in sacrifice. I found a free internet download link for DN Jha’s book, Myth of the Holy Cow. [Indian Archaeology 1980-81 A Review]. It says, "If a man wishes that a son should be born to him who will be a famous scholar, frequenting assemblies and speaking delightful words, a student of all the Vedas and an enjoyer of the full term of life, he should have rice cooked with the meat of a young bull or of one more advanced in years and he and his wife should eat it with clarified butter. It must be noted that the Purva Mimamsa Sutras (compiled between 300-200 BCE), written by Rishi Jaimini is one of the most important ancient Hindu philosophical texts. Fish was their main animal food. Therefore, as for as Tamizhagam is concerned, the argument that “Brahmans / Brahmins” ate beef or stopped beef eating to browbeat Jains and Buddhists in their maneuvers has no basis at all, as nothing is mentioned in the Sangam literature. *The Myth of the Holy Cow, D.N Jha, Navayana Publication, 2009. What made the Brahmins become vegetarians? connection,weshouldpoint!out!that!theSanskrit!wordusedforthesacrificial!cow!isVasa(i.e. But when the learned Brahmins argue that the Hindus not only never ate beef but they always held the cow to be sacred and were always opposed to the killing of the cow, it is impossible to accept their view. Beef was commonly eaten in Rishikesh-Haridwar till 5th century AD Venison = meat of deer (Puram.33: 1-6; 152.26). That is, the goat is first sacrificed and then the horse. This argument is incorrect because the word 'Adhvar' has been misplaced and interpreted incompletely. 745-765. Modern Hindus usually are seen boasting about India's scientific heritage, especially of medical texts like Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, which they think are proof of the advancement of science in the ancient Hindu society. Buddhism had made so deep an impression on the minds of the masses and had taken such a hold of them that it was absolutely impossible for the Brahmins to fight the Buddhists except by accepting their ways and means and practising the Buddhist creed in its extreme form. In fact an independent yajña is actually called pa?ubandha, pa?u meaning animal (Gopatha Br?hma?a 1.5.7), There isn’t space to go into the detail of even the main yajña here, but this extract from the ?atapatha Br?hma?a should give you an idea. Was there any organized cow killing during Sangam period for beef-eating with abattoirs? May this horse bring to us all-sustaining wealth, with abundance of cows, of excellent horses, and of male offspring: may the spirited steed bring us exemption from wickedness: may this horse, offered in oblation, procure for us bodily vigour. The question is why should a Hindu king have come forward to make a law against cow-killing, that is to say, against the Laws of Manu? ", Again Manu Smriti Chapter 5, verse 44 says, "Know that the injury to moving creatures and to those destitute of motion, which the Veda has prescribed for certain occasions, is no injury at all; for the sacred law shone forth from the Veda.". ?- ?????? #035 Shri mallAdi candrasekhara sAstri spoke at TTD, #037 Inebriated mother and son cannot be a coincidence. For example, we all know that water is essential for the existence of life on this planet. Then the ‘unseen, unheard, unsuspected’ came to be treated as one class, and this together with the ‘natural death’ and ‘bird killed’ made a san-ching.”. To say so will be just an assumption. Most of the bones collected belong to the domesticated animals, except two wild examples of Sambar (Cervus unicolor) and Chital (Axis axis). ????? Clods of burnt earth were a recurrent phenomenon in the pits; a complete hearth except for one near the rim of the quardrupartite pit was not noticed elsewhere. Although the Vanaras are generally depicted as vegetarians, the Brahmans were actually not. He merely says that we should know the qualities of each animal by relating to the qualities of the deity to whom they are dedicated. In Shathapatha, Ashwa is a word for the nation or empire, The word medha does not mean slaughter. Of which, the winner’s skin was used for the drum (Puram.288). BHARTRUHARI YB - please read this blog when you feel depressed/stress... INDO EUROPEAN DICTIONARY (SANSKRIT - Latvian, Lithuanian, Old Prussian, Sudovian), SANSKRIT ENGLISH MINI DICTIONARY & ENCYCLOPAEDIA. |, ?? Also read: Modi, the Mahabharata, and Hubris. 4. In these things, to wit, little piety, many good deeds, compassion, liberality, truthfulness and purity. Yajurveda 13.49. With this evidence no one can doubt that there was a time when Hindus-both Brahmins and non-Brahmins ate not only flesh but also beef. It is interesting that the same Manu permits eating of meat and does not list the killing of cows in the major sins. One common argument is that a cow in Vedic literature is called 'Aghnya' meaning 'not fit to be killed' and therefore a cow cannot in any way be killed. The answers to these questions should be found only in the cultured, refined, advanced and civilized society. The presence of a few pieces of marine shells indicate that the people might have contacts with outsiders living nearer the sea. With venison obtained from those deer that are called Prishata, they remain gratified for eight months, and with that obtained from the Ruru for nine months, and with the meat of the Gavaya for ten months. It bears the Gupta date 93, which is equivalent to 412 A.D. If Untouchability is a reflex of the nausea of the Hindus against beef-eating, how long after the Hindus had given up beef-eating did Untouchability come into being?…. King Yudhishthira the just, with all his younger brothers, then smelled, agreeably to the scriptures, the smoke, capable of cleansing one from every sin, of the marrow that was thus cooked. Let him avoid all carnivorous birds and those living in villages, and one hoofed animals which are not specially permitted (to be eaten), and the Tithbha (Parra) Jacana. The answer may not be quite clear to those who have no idea of the scope and function of religion in the life of the society. Therefore, even those who are anxious for their own welfare should abstain from meat-eating.â (Mahabharata, Anu.115.33) âThat man who seeks to multiply his own flesh by (eating) the flesh of others has to live in this world in great anxiety, and after death has to take birth in indifferent races and families (anti-Vedic cults). Let the wild rhinocerous be harmed by you. These included a fragmentary quern, several mullers, pounders, belt hammers, a few stone axes, microliths, dabbars, clay and steatite beads and one terracotta lamp, which interestingly has a tubular provision for inserting wick. They must have been in existence from the ancient past. In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says sarvaâyonishu kaunteya (BG, 14.4): âIn every living being there is a spirit soul.â That means even in the ⦠Beef-eating and caste. It was reprehensible only if the cow was killed without good and sufficient reason. |, ????? In it, the sutra of Panini ????????? That the Aryans of the Rig Veda did kill cows for purposes of food and ate beef is abundantly clear from the Rig Veda itself. After the return of the horse, more ceremonies are performed. ??????? It is performed to please the gods or to attain certain wishes. “As regards the Yupa made of Palasa wood (there is further to be remarked), that the Palasa is the womb of all trees. The Settled Community was a wealthy community with agriculture and cattle as means of livelihood. As Krishna stopped the celebration of festival meant for Indra, after his victory over him and advised their followers to celebrate the same in the his name, there should have been some “Vizha” commemorating him, but we do not find any festival meant for Mayon, except “Tainniradal” by women. 059 Part 4 of 10 Essays about Covid-Corona, 059 Part 4 of 10 parts of Analyses on Covid-Corona, Aryan Migration Theory and Sweta Dweepa. The cow was sacred, living or dead. ||, "O Aghnya (destroyer of sins), may you be rich in milk through abundant fodder; that we also may be rich (in abundance); eat grass at all seasons, and roaming (at will), drink pure water.". In his commentary on Brahma Sutra Adhyaai 3, Paada 1, Sutra 25 he writes, "None therefore can know, without scripture, what is either right or wrong. Asoka had therefore no particular reason to make a law to save the cow. To turn to the second objection. Chances are the first two responses will be ‘the Vedas’ and ‘the Cow’. Thus he benefits all its limbs. ?????????? Evidence of some grains What does Panini mean that the word 'goghna' denotes the idea of recipient? 8) 28. This chapter contains an exact enumeration of animals that are to be tied to the sacrificial stakes, with the names of the deities to which they are dedicated. The famous and favourable argument put forward by some scholars is that the meat / beef-eating Brahmans suddenly stopped it to promote cow-protection to project themselves to superior to ahimsa-preaching Jains or they had to fight the atheistic Jains and Buddhists were preaching and practicing non-violence, they should and could not have been so cruel to meat / beef eating, so that the Brahmans could found an ingenous trict ⦠?????? There must therefore be some special reason why in India the difference between the Settled Community and the Broken Men in the matter of beef eating created a bar between the two. This article aims to correct the misconception that beef eating should be taboo based on what the scriptures supposedly say. 2) 62. Of course there was an extensive propaganda in favour of cow-worship by the Brahmins. The objections therefore do not invalidate the thesis in any way. ?????????????? Why did they, as an extreme step, give up meat eating altogether and become vegetarians? That the spread of the cow-worship among and cessation of beef-eating by the non-Brahmins has taken place by reason of the habit of the non-Brahmins to imitate the Brahmins who were undoubtedly their superiors is beyond dispute. This interpretation is counterbalanced, however, by the fact that querns and grinding stones are among the most frequently found stone objects at MDH and DDM, attesting to the dietary significance of gathered wild grains and roots. This statement is right when we turn to Shatapath Brahman 13/1/9/9. Adi Shankaracharya has written an extensive commentary on the famous Brahma Sutras. Even Pandit Devi Chand, an Arya Samaj scholar, who based his English translation of the Yajurveda on Swami Dayanand's work is clueless about the exact meaning of this chapter. ??????????? But if the non-Brahmins underwent one revolution, the Brahmins had undergone two. The reason I like to suggest is that it was due to their desire to imitate the Brahmins that the non-Brahmins gave up beef-eating. ??????? ????? ?????????? Such is the state of the evidence on the subject of cow-killing and beef-eating. The interdictions relating to the sacred are not open to discussion. ??????? not prohibit the slaughter of the cow. 'destroyer of sins' is being completely brushed under the carpet. This explanation is obviously unsatisfactory. He who does not seek to cause the sufferings of bonds and death to living creatures, (but) desires the good of all (beings), obtains endless bliss. Online answering and evaluation of random-generated question papers are available free. ??? 1. In Hinduism, Yajna is a ritual of sacrifice derived from the practice of Vedic times. May the venerable One accept me as a disciple, as one who, from this day forth, as long as life endures, has taken him as his guide. What conclusion can be drawn from this evidence? ????? 8. Will the Hindutvavadis interpret his statement to mean that the chicken are not meant to be eaten? Some eat her flesh, some remove the skin, some manufacture articles out of her skin and bones.
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