According to Feng Shui house numbers theory, if a home is located in the direction of the East, then the energy is balanced between positive and negative. To determine which Feng Shui directions are auspicious to you, you need to find out your Kua number (Gua Number) first which is calculated by your date of birth (mainly birth year) and gender. Most people believe they can’t be eliminated completely by using Feng Shui tools, such as charms, symbols, incense, water, etc. Victor Cheung. Changing just one piece of your home decorating theme can make a huge difference. While it’s a common belief, it doesn’t hold up in scientific terms…. “8” standalone is “earth” element. A typical feng shui cure to deal with the number 4 in a house address is to enclose the number in a red circle (be sure this looks visually appropriate in the context of your house and neighborhood). Among the many misconceptions about feng shui, the notion of good and bad feng shui numbers is one of the most persistent. Feng Shui House Numbers: Auspicious Number Combinations. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories about people with bad Feng Shui house numbers… The story is always different and most often includes bad Feng Shui house numbers from the owner’s perspective. Otherwise, you could be missing out on the benefits that moving into a good room could bring. Well, it’s all a matter of perception. Reduce to a single digit: 1+9 = 10. A structure is not rooted long term unless it has at least 4 points of touch with the ground. According to the rules of Yi Jing (I Ching, 易經), every Feng Shui New Year, ie every 4th of February, the 9 flying stars change sector within the standard Lo Shu square. Many people believe the number 4 is bad luck. Shopping for a great feng shui house can be real fun. In fact, if you have a choice, probably 10 out of 10 feng shui masters would encourage you not to use it as a basement bedroom. Your email address will not be published. Often, people want to know whether their home has “good” or “bad” feng shui. One signifies a new beginning or birth, always an auspicious event. Any feng shui cure has to be done in a subtle way, otherwise, you risk achieving the opposite results (read the article on feng shui decorating). And having a great house means good luck flowing through out a life time. If you happen to be in the market for a new home, you can do your best to find a place with a more optimal feng shui layout by following these … (the number 9 is important in Feng Shui). Numbers … Yes, yes I … It will also help you develop your own feng shui eyes. Any combination $888,888 or $8,888,888 can work best. Yin and Yang Feng Shui Numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and nine are odd, and yang numbers, and 2, 4, 6, and 8 are yin numbers. The feng shui numbers for selling a house is considered Lucky for the house to sell at the best price that can speed up your home’s value is “8”. In another example, if your house number is 36019: Add: 3+6+0+1+9 = 19. Number 14 is considered to be the worst number than 13 among all the unlucky numbers. Here are four features of a house that signal bad feng shui, according to feng shui master Joey Yap. We have the 4 corners of the earth/the 4 main directions. To numbers, to feng shui, or to anything else for that matter. What in Feng Shui is Universal and What is Specific to Chinese Culture Only? In fact, two Chinese lucky numbers for a house are eight and nine. The Master Thomas Lin-Yun believes that by placing a Feng Shui cure in an area, you improve the area by 10%. Pricing Your Home the “Feng Shui Way”! The Feng Shui Kua Number (Ming Gua) System (Ming = Life, Gua = Pattern) can be split into two sections.Firstly, the personal Kua number which is considered the destiny number of a person. Among the many misconceptions about feng shui, the notion of good and bad feng shui numbers is one of the most persistent. As a result of this energy I’ve grown a very successful business, so number 4 has sure brought me many blessings. Register for the 2021 Feng Shui Updates :: Sign Up for the Feng Shui Home Makeover. How can a number be bad feng shui? The number 13 is in Feng Shui associated with bad luck. The number 2 … Achieving the highest accomplishment, contentment in success, gratitude. Did you ever get sick from a number or lost a loved one over a number? Required fields are marked *. We will now take a concrete example so that you can carry out your own Feng Shui analysis, identify the issues to be solved during the current Feng Shui year, and finally implement the most appropriate Feng Shui cures. When you hear about untimely muggings, rapes, accidents and deaths on news it should remind you that victims were afflicted with bad energy. When focusing on Feng Shui we often focus on the interior energy of our home and forget that everything around us has just as much an impact. Of course, as with everything energy-related, subtle and esoteric, it is good to be mindful and not always take things literally. It’s also a good idea to look at pictures in the rooms you’re considering and decide whether or not it looks like the room will make you feel good. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. I have not heard about anything about head pointed to N is bad in 2021. What does this mean to you and how can you practically apply the info in your life? If you have Feng Shui house numbers that really don’t add up, then your intuition has been telling you that something’s wrong. Good and bad. We are all different, going through different stages and lessons, so it is important to sense what is true for you at certain times and what is not. But many people live in basement apartments. You might try changing the lighting, painting, flooring, the window treatment or even the floor covering. Do you see? Infinitely abundant energy, a never-ending flow, many blessings. The kua number is an important component of practicing 8 mansions feng shui. Self-contemplation, personal growth, sometimes solitude. In many cultures, this represents an unlucky number, yet, in the Chinese culture, it sounds like the … Buying a house can be a life changing experience because of the amount of money, time and energy involved in choosing a perfect one. To connect to the energy of a specific number, let’s say a potential house number, look at the meaning of each number separately, their order (the first, the middle and the last number), as well as the overall characteristics of the main number (which is defined by adding all numbers). Void, nothingness, the beginning and the ending of all things. Unless you are super new to Feng Shui, you probably have noticed that the number 4 is generally avoided. After you got this number, … Its CEO Esther Yong said many buyers request properties with specific house numbers. 8, 18, 28, 38, 54, 68, 80, 84, 88, 99, 168 & 108 are all good numbers, the reason #8 is so lucky is that if you say the word (patt) it sounds like “faat” which means “prosperity & abundance” is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The number 13 is said to be the unlucky Feng Shui house numbers for most people, due to a superstition where unlucky numbers indicate bad luck and good numbers indicate good luck. Learn how to be Feng Shui Ready™ in your Life ! This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This energy has very clear characteristics, it has a language of its own, so by approaching the feng shui of house numbers with a curious, and not fearful mind, you will be amazed at how much info is revealed to you with something as simple as numbers. Feng Shui Home & Life Makeover is now OPEN (but not for too long), Feng Shui A-Z: A Complete List of All Feng Shui Terms and Cures, Here Are the Best Colors for Your Kitchen (According to Feng Shui), How To Choose Crystals for A Good Feng Shui Home Altar. It will feel constricting and restricting at times for sure, but the results will be worth it. The number 13 is said to be the unlucky Feng Shui house numbers for most people, due to a superstition where unlucky numbers indicate bad luck and good numbers indicate good luck. Firstly, my front door faces my worst direction which is southwest, according to my Gua number which is the 1. Your email address will not be published. The combination of two of these numbers would create a balanced and auspicious pair. You may also want to think about the colors of the furniture, and about the arrangement of the rooms. It causes them to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The energy of new beginnings, freshness, an open and unobstructed flow. How come then the bad feng shui reputation of number 4? This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Let’s start with the infamous feng shui of number 4. And then there is the ugly one, the much feared and avoided number 4 feng shui myth; most feng shui enthusiasts are convinced this number is very bad feng shui. It’s simple. After knowing this, you could find out your best direction and apply these auspicious directions to your home or office to boost … When choosing the room in which you want to move, think about how you feel when you look at the room. Probably because it is in the void and nothingness that the power resides; in the mystery of it all. While it’s a common belief, it doesn’t hold up in scientific terms… And it doesn't matter whether you live in Arizona or New York. The energies, or colors, associated with each of the directions, however, are different. In this article I focus on how the number of our house affects the energy inside and outside our home and the impact that it can have on our lives. Stay smart when it comes to the energy of numbers, do your best to decode their messages and at the same time, do not ever give your power away. Some hearsay quoted that China Olympics opening ceremony on 8th August 2008 because “8” is lucky so is 08/08/2008. In this specific case, the number 504 comes to the ultimate number, which is 9 (5+0+4=9), considered the highest energy number. It clearly states good and bad areas based on cardinal and intermediate directions. It’s not actually that simple, however there are a few things you want to watch out for and avoid if possible. And here is some curious food for thought: Number 0 is the energy of void, nothingness, abyss, etc. Nevertheless Number “8” is associated with 2 elements in feng shui, one is wood because 3,8 combo is wood element. In order to use this method effectively, though, it’s important to use only one type of Feng Shui-based home decorating tool. If it does, then it’s probably a good idea to change the room. Numbers are very important in the Chinese culture and the practice of feng shui. For example, if your house number is 1986: Add: 1+9+8+6 = 24. Well, everything is sacred, but for the sake of resurrecting the undeserved reputation of this number, I’ll call it sacred! There is another way to look at house numbers – to pay attention to lucky and unlucky number combinations. Feng Shui is an ancient Asian practice in which strategic placement of certain auspicious objects in your environment can release positive energy (also known as “chi“). Theory Behind Lucky Feng Shui House Numbers Numbers in most cultures play a significant role, one that is often a subconscious reaction such as the number 13. However, there is another, easier way to eliminate bad Feng Shui house numbers. Reduce to a single digit: 2+4 = 6. You can also use this same technique to get rid of negative energy that is coming into your home from the outside. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. As mentioned above, each number has its meaning and symbolism in Chinese culture. According to Feng Shui house numbers theory, there are five elements, or five directions in the world (North, South, East, West) and each of these directions will have a corresponding energy – positive, negative, neutral or balanced. And use your speech by chanting a prayer, affirmation or mantra nine times. However, when this number of void and nothingness accompanies any other number — gracefully placing itself after the number — it multiplies it many times! When you have multiples of the same number — 222, for example — the energy of this number is multiplied/is very strong. Each number also has a more hidden meaning, so to speak, or a specific energy it evokes by itself or in combination with other numbers. The House’s Kua takes precedent over your Life Kua number. The following are Rich House, Love House, Intelligent House, Sick House, and Bad-Luck House in 2021 using the theory of Feng Shui Flying Stars. Find out all about the feng shui of good and bad house numbers. Now that the number 4 is resurrected, let’s briefly go number by number. The difference between 1 and 1,000 is just a difference in the number of 0s (which is the energy of nothing). Now, the actual energy of number 4, being very grounding, is the energy that will bring you many lessons on exactly that — how to really get grounded and develop strong roots. Apart from your mind feeding you stories (which often have nothing to do with the actual energy of what you are looking at), numbers, just like anything else — crystals, plants, colors, etc — carry a specific quality of energy, a specific vibration. Trust me, this is not just theory, I have actual experience with several number 4s in my house address and I know these were the main lessons that the house taught me — how to slow down and get really, really grounded and centered. Theory behind lucky Feng Shui house numbers in many cultures play an important role, one which is almost always a subconscious response to the number 13… So well, whatever is truly sacred, we’ll call it sacred, but I’ll still call it sacred! Once an individual accurately calculates his or her kua number, the 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable directions can be identified. Connect with Rodika on, Feng Shui of House Numbers: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. The basement does not exactly have a good reputation in feng shui. Each number has an obvious meaning, such as 2 for togetherness, for example. Some … "Number eight and number nine is something they really like. All other numbers — starting with 9 — are a combination of these main numbers. 68 – symbolizes financial success, money; attracts success … Rodika Tchi is a master feng shui consultant and author of two best-selling books on feng shui -- "The Healing Power of Smudging" (Simon and Schuster, 2017) and "Feng Shui for Healing" (Rockridge Press, 2019). It is believed that the best numbers to make sure good energy can enter your home without obstruction are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9. Radical transformation, change, adventure. 12 – is a money combination. While doing this, use your body by holding your hands together in a prayer position. Here is the list of auspicious number combinations. Also you must know what to avoid. There are actually several ways of getting rid of bad Feng Shui house numbers, and it all begins with you. It is directly associated with guaranteed death, because of the … How can the energy of nothingness and abyss make such a difference? According to Feng … It’s considered unlucky for many events like to invite 13 guests at a dinner party, House number with 13 floors. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. This isn’t just the case with Feng Shui houses either. I not sure if this is a bad feng shui house. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I felt a very bad energy since my moving and had actually very bad moments inside this house, ... NY. For example, if your flat or house number is #19-32: Add: 1+9+3+2 = 15. Number 4 is a sacred number. Really appreciate any help, thank you. I know some people change the address to eliminate number 4, and some real estate developers avoid numbers 4 or 13 in the elevators of their high rise buildings. ➔ Kua number and Lo Shu square: how it works Not very pleasant stuff, indeed, to repeat many times daily. Of course, if you are a realtor or have selling a house with number 4 in its address (and many of your potential buyers are of Chinese origin), you will be sensitive to this culturally specific meaning and do your best to address it. Partnership, balance, cooperation, beginning of stability. If it is not a single digit, you need to reduce it further: 1+5 = 6. And then there is the ugly one, the much feared and avoided number 4 feng shui myth; most feng shui enthusiasts are convinced this number is very bad feng shui. Feng Shui guide of the house, step by step. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. http://fungshway.orgFeng Shui NumbersFeng shui numbers are a topic of much debate. In such cases, you can add the numbers together to get a number that is between 1 and 9, then you can use this final calculated number to assess the house. Learning to pick a great feng shui house is really fun when you know what to look for. So, let’s start with a very practical, clear and common sense approach (which is actually the only approach that leads to lasting and life-changing results with feng shui). Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. In Cantonese, the pronunciation for number 4 is the same as the pronunciation for death. Feng Shui Home Numbers Myth Buster "Did you see that Bridget Saraka of Feng Shui by Bridget put her house numbers vertical? This will help a homeowner figure the basics of which sections in a house … Secondly, each home has its own Min Gua number as well. People throughout North America often look for certain house numbers when they are in the market to buy a house and avoid properties if the house numbers are considered unlucky. ... Ms Mi said bad feng shui can be remedied. but these methods do not work for everyone. If you are in the direction of the South, the energy is positive, but if you’re in the direction of the North, the energy is negative. The best numbers for a home or office are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9. Some people get bad results with simple rearranging the rooms, while others find they can overcome these bad numbers through the use of Feng Shui books and tools, like the Feng Shui Key of Solomon. I had been asked this week about the importance of home numbers in Feng Shui. In fact, people in Asia will go to great extents to avoid the number 4 in the house number or even numbers that add up to 4. Feng Shui Numbers For Selling A House? And she calls herself an expert!!!! Let’s take the example of a house with the number 205 in its street address. Explore whatever information is presented to you and then check with your inner knowing to filter what is true for you and what is not. You may also use Feng Shui to find the bad Feng Shui house numbers on your own, using the method outlined in the Feng Shui Key of Solomon. Family, creative self-expression, rapid expansion. As a result, the central number of the magic square of the 9 flying stars in 2021 is, like that of the Kua year, the number 6. We have 4 seasons. Of course, it’s best to consult an expert in the field because every house is different, but there are some general things that you can look out for. June 19, … Numerology is the practice of interpreting the deeper energy of a number and utilizing that vibe for optimal understanding and alignment. This house will have an overall potentially strong energy of personal growth (2+0+5=7), defined by such energies as partnership, the beginning of stability, delving into the void, transformation, and adventure. Think about the color of the walls and how the room looks from the window. If you’re looking at Feng Shui and time, you should … Unless you speak Cantonese, though, the bad feng shui of number 4 is just not true. Feng Shui Flying Stars - Overlapping Kua Numbers The relationships of Heaven, Earth, and Human is the foundation of Chinese philosophy . The five directions are, of course, facing north, south, east and west. In numerology, these numbers are called master numbers. It’s the same thing with South, and so on. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. All you need to do is apply a little bit of common sense, and a healthy dose of patience, and use a little bit of logic, to see if the change can make a difference. The direction of North is associated with red, yellow, and blue. How is this done? Read it now! For some people, the feng shui of a house is also a big consideration. When you learn about feng shui numbers you can reduce the occurrence of accidents and misfortunes in … Reduce to a single digit: 1+0 = 1. Doesn't she know anything!!!!!!" I guess this is one of those questions that will always be left open. Oh, and look at all those 4s! Of course, simple is a relative term, as there is a whole fascinating field of numerology that takes the study of numbers to deep and quite powerful levels. It does not affect the Qi flows into your house.” Traditional Feng Shui is not a collection of beliefs. Try avoiding the number 4 or any combination with this digit. Well, my answer to them is: “I can guarantee that your house number, 4, 14, 24, 34, or 44…x4 has nothing to do with traditional Feng Shui. Jul 14, 2017 - Is the myth of good and bad feng shui house numbers accurate? The direction of the energy can affect people’s lives in other ways, including their careers, relationships and health. When you see the number 4 by itself or in combination with other numbers (especially at the end of a number, such as 504, for example), know that the main energy this number will bring you is a very grounding energy. Whether you’re feeling stressed or anxious, you should change the direction of the energy, either up or down, and you’ll feel better and look better in a very short amount of time. If you’re into Feng Shui, here are some tips to ensure that you choose the house that is best positioned to bring your family health, wealth and everything good in between.
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