Let’s start by looking at the size of the two options. A very popular sporting rifle for today’s enthusiasts is the AR-15. The .223 Remington bullet features a freebore diameter of .224 inches and a length of .025 inches. What's your choice for SHTF? If you want max suppression, go with an MP5 variant. OP, a good 16'' AR can shoot under MOA at six hundred yards. The throat length is also more than twice as great what the .223 uses. Discussion in 'Rifle Country' started by MatthewVanitas, Mar 28, 2007. Yes a handgun is more maneuverable and concealable, but it's a compromise in every other aspect. ReddIt. The muzzle flash from a short barrel .223 is about the size of a 5 gallon can and VERY impressive. In terms of terminal ballistics, not very much. First, find out if your rifle (or handgun) is a .223 Remington or 5.56mm NATO. November 4th, 2011, 12:48 PM #6. While the media loves to portray this as a ‘huge assault bullet’ and only meant for use in warfare, the truth is that a .223 round is a relatively small and not particularly powerful. Typically the rifles used are AR-style rifles. Back to 9mm, he tries out a hollowpoint 124-grain Remington Golden Saber Black Belt +P round (about 1400 fps). Many popular AR-15 rifles on the market are chambered in 5.56 NATO or .223 Rem. This firearm is commonly chambered for 5.56 mm ammo because it is a descendant of the M-16 rifle. Saiga Automatic Rifle. Depends on the scenario but overall it's hard to beat rifle power, especially if distances and cover/armor start becoming possibilities. 223 vs 5.56: What Kind Of Rifle Do I Have? 9mm will have more penetration. So the rifle wins. For distances in my home any one of them would work just fine. 1 year ago Reply. In my opinion, 9mm carbines are not much more than toys. “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. About the only thing I can think of that the 9mm has over the .223 is the cost of the ammo. Twitter. By. Like Quake said, you need to assess your own personal needs and capabilities. The designers chambered it in .223, resulting in a very reliable and robust platform. Expansion of the hollow point was minimal, which is to be expected in a non-hydraulic medium (drywall instead of meat). It will work better for self defense and with proper ammunition for hunting as well. Pinterest. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! You will only have what ammo is on hand. The bolt starts unlocking as soon as the hammer falls on the 9mm AR. The AR15 or Armalite Rifle, is a rifle that is chambered in a.223 or 5.56 NATO semi-automatic platform. I personally don't think the caliber choice will have much relevance to the bad guy at those distances. The hollowpoint got plugged with drywall on the first wall and ended up going through 6 layers of drywall before stopping. The short barrel .223 isn't loud, it's horrendous. Between the two i would take the 223 / 5.56mm. The real world is that in which a person will not learn and practice survival skills such as situational awareness, combat shooting, how to hunt, how to skin an animal, and they will never be in a survival situation. Benefits of a 9mm AR15. They have many good points and only a few bad. This is especially true for the Glock owners of the world. Also, more weight in the FRONT of an AR is not going to balance anything out, go lightweight for the suppressor. A .223 Remington and 5.56×45 are not the same. --Can use a Noveske to redirect the noise, but tricky to use with cans b/c of likelihood of baffle-strikes---, --Notable loss of velocity, though not as bad as some folks imply---, Does a .223 11" AR still greatly exceed the 9mm AR in terms of useful range, and general ballistic utility?---, FWIW, the krinks are really heavy and LONG for what they do. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. I'm undecided. TNW Aero Survival Rifle. I don't know Germany, but I'd start with question-based decision making. AR-15. You bet your sweet @$$ it does. Guns in confined spaces are LOUD. Yes, if ranges are less than 50yds, and ammo is cheaper right now. Naturally Cheaper Than Dirt! If given a choice I would carry rifle calibers in my rifles and pistol calibers in my pistols. Please Note: that all this “rifle vs shotgun vs pistol” testing is comparing the AR-15 in standard 5.56/.223 to the pistols and shotguns … That means that “other rifles” such as AK-47’s in 7.62×39, .308 hunting rifles or AR-10 style semi-autos, etc are not included in these tests. The rifle weighs in at 7.9 pounds. The UDP-9 is a finely-tuned 9mm AR-15 carbine that’s compatible with Glock and Glock aftermarket magazines. It comes a Magpul MOE stock and K2 pistol grip, a 16” threaded barrel, and one 15-round Glock magazine. This model includes a ten round detachable magazine and a 16.3-inch barrel. IMO, if you are going to stick something on the end of the SBR that increases the length and the weight, it should be either more barrel, or a suppressor. 9mm will have slightly better penetration depending upon ammo selection and range. "The best a man can hope for is a chance to prove that the good lord didn't make a mistake putting him here in the first place." Buy Online keeping the car safe transaction. 9MM.223 / 5.56 45 ACP.22 Long Rifle.22 Win Mag 12 Gauge.308 Winchester 40 S&W.38 Special View All Calibers Ammo By Manufacturer Qualified Professional Ammo Recently Added Ammo This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. .223 Remington is quickly becoming one of the most used rifle calibers in the world. Carbines, even PCC, are easier to shoot and carry more ammo. My choice is a 10.5" 5.56 SBR with can. LMT, Colt, Bushmaster, RRA, CMMG, Noveske, Compass lake, etc. For those who do pay for/learn/practice those skills, it will also not make any difference. A.223 round (especially lighter bullets) will penetrate drywall as well, but it’s an inherently unstable round designed to tumble and … I lean away from .223 just for the sake of my ears (the BO and one 9mm carbine are suppressed). Maybe 7"-10" barrel, no gas issues with the blowback mechanism, collapsing stock, put a nice big can on it too balance it out and get max suppression, etc. It’s a lightweight, tactical carbine that weighs just at 5lbs. The 5.56 will generally out perform the 9mm out of all barrel lengths in accuracy, usefull range, as well as terminal ballistics, with barrels shorter than 9" being a possible exception. I doubt that there is any difference in the real world. If you plan on using it for anything more serious, why would you want a really long pistol? If you spent any time looking through gun magazines within the last several years, you will have seen many choices of what is often called an AR-15. What about 9mm carbine vs. 223 and 300 blackout. JavaScript is disabled. Sound is relative to the shooter, what makes your ears ring may or may not make mine ring. Choosing the right .223 rifle will take some time and a little bit of detective work. 9mm NATO M882 ball ammo is 12.6 grams each cartridge. 9MM is cheaper. The die has long since been cast and the Stoner-based carbine is now the patrol rifle of choice for U.S. law enforcement. Also what is the best barrel length for home defense that does not require a special tax stamp or permit? In the real world almost all military and police now use 556 carbines instead of 9mm ones. This is a gun that was designed to keep pilots alive in the wilderness after … Using cardboard military type boxes, you can put 1300 rounds in a 50 cal GI ammo can. Case Size The outer dimensions of the brass case for the 5.56 x 45 mm and the .223 are the same. The best length can be debated/tested for each caliber. 0. On the specific question of 9mm vs 223 in a carbine, my primary personal defensive carbine is a 223 AR, set up pretty typically. The throat angle is past 3 degrees.Meanwhile, a 5.56x45mm bullet has a .226 freebore diameter and .059-inch length. I continue to be baffled by the notion that if a gun doesn't leave the owner … In a comparison of 300 Blackout vs. 9mm for use in a PDW / SMG, well, there really isn’t any comparison. Home; Tactical; Firearm Accessories; Carbine Training: 9mm vs. .223 Rem. AR-15 Basics: .223 vs. 5.56×45 NATO. My 9mm SBR is plenty for me, but I'm not in Germany. The 9mm will have more recoil. If it is newer than M855 (the mid-1980s) and it is military, you can be sure it is 5.56 and should be treated accordingly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I found them to be a paperweight that has no real advantages when you already have a reliable weapon. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force: Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.” -Patrick Henry, June 5th, 1788. 9mm is great for close quarters, but penetrates more walls than .223/5.56.223/5.56 with the right ammo has less wall penetration than either buckshot or 9mm, but a 16" rifle can be difficult to use in close quarters. Franchi20/28. The 5.56 bullet has a throat angle at around 1 degree as well.Theref… I see the KX3 as more of a solution for rifles with inadequate gas systems. On AR-15 rifles or carbines, look on the top of the barrel near the muzzle. This is for the 38/357 but also work great in the 9mm. The round was a 124gr 9mm hollowpoint—a VERY good brand. Presumably the SHTF involves protecting your life with a firearm, there really is no question which is better. More bang per squeeze. http://www.sgammo.com/product/223-5...-fmj-brass-case-non-magnetic-wolf-gold-ar-15-, https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/dept/reloading/lead-bullet-casting/lee-moulds/-point-225-dia, https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0000690574/double-cavity-mould-358-125-rf, https://www.midsouthshooterssupply.com/item/0000690306/6-cavity-mold-358-125-rf, Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 3290 W. Big Beaver Rd. - Will Sonnett. This item is very nice product. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. All 3 are good HD weapons. But the throat length is short. Facebook. We would recommend this store for you personally. But I also have 9mm carbines and I'd have absolutely no problem trusting one of them for close-range defensive use - if loaded thoughtfully. --Can use a Noveske to redirect the noise, but tricky to use with cans b/c of likelihood of baffle-strikes, --Notable loss of velocity, though not as bad as some folks imply. An AR-15 is one of the most popular rifles that most use to fire off .223 rounds. Be honest with yourself, if this is going to be a gun that looks cool, by all means, get the 9mm just for ammo savings, and the fact that it's not the norm. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Externally, both rounds look exactly the same, but there are some critical differences between the two. 9mm and 45 will penetrate walls as much or more than a 223. Hi-Point 9mm carbine vs 40 s&w vs AR15 223 Yugo vs Hyundai vs Ferrari I actuall have a HP 9mm fun to shoot, no problems. etc. Bryan DuChane. Asked: What is the advantage of a pistol carbine (.357, 9mm, etc.) All information is provided "as is" with all faults without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. An SBR or bull pup will be nearly as short and easier to shoot. These are a legal version of what was once called the M-16 our military used for a few decades. Low Levels of Felt Recoil. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Oct … Once again, the question was "9mm carbine vs 223 rifle". A forum community dedicated to Glock firearm owners and enthusiasts. A great way to throw .223 downrange on the cheap, the Saiga follows the tried and true AK design, with minor differences. When looking at the .22LR vs .223, the truth is that the .223 is, in fact, a .22 caliber round. has a full line of .223 Remington and 5.56 NATO in stock and ready to ship! Just choose one that fits your needs and train with it. I've seen some sub-sonic .44Mag bolt-rifles that sounded "movie quiet", so I'd hope that a 9mm subsonic rifle with a good can would also be extremely quiet. Both are good choices and both would be adequate for most civilian defense scenarios. If you searching to check on 223 Ar15 Vs 9mm Handgun Ballistics Gel Test And 9mm Barrel Handgun price. My (chairborne-commando) impression of .223 7"-11" ARs: If you are using it in anger, aren't you basically just punching .22 cal holes into whatever (or whomever) you are hitting? To avoid this, ensure that you only fire the appropriate ammunition in your rifle. With a 9MM pistol, it simplifies ammo supply. However, the more I've heard about shorty AR's, the more problematic they seem. Patrick Sweeney-January 12, 2017. The UDP-9 … Although The High Road has attempted to provide accurate information on the forum, The High Road assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information. If all you can get is fmj ammo, I'd HUGELY recommend the 223 over the 9mm. When compared to an AR9 which we discussed above, the AR15 has some differences: -Barrel (chambered in.223/5.56) -Lower Receiver (made to fit.223/5.56 Magazines) Despite the fact that 300 BLK vs 9mm, not 300 BLK vs. 5.56 NATO, is the more appropriate comparison to make since taking down 9mm was the cartridge’s primary focus. If you are searching for read reviews 223 Ar15 Vs 9mm Handgun Ballistics Gel Test And 9mm Barrel Handgun price. You can get a short CQB suppressor that would be about an inch longer and not much heavier. Heat and pressure are the issue, not baffle strikes, get a good silencer. But the flash can be almost totally stopped with the right flash hider. Given those issues, would a 9mm shorty be just about as cool for plinking and gaming? “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suite 500, Troy, Michigan 48084 USA. I have 2 9mm carbines and 2 ARs (.223 and 300BO). That bullet went through 17 layers of sheet rock, shredding their back surfaces similarly to the 223 bullet. https://www.personaldefenseworld.com/2012/10/9mm-vs-223-got-enough-gun over one with a rifle cartridge (5.56mm, .223, etc.)? but a .223 is in a whole different class. How to Choose a New .223 Rifle. 78941. The ability for PCCs to run Glock mags has become almost an unofficial manufacturing standard in the industry. WhatsApp. Huge Selection of AR15 Uppers, AR15 Parts, Ammunition, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns and Shooting Accessories at Great Low Prices AR-15 .223/5.56 Magazines - AR-15 Magazines - Rifle Magazines - Magazines - General Accessories | Palmetto State Armory Neither The High Road nor any of its directors, members, managers, employees, agents, vendors, or suppliers will be liable for any direct, indirect, general, bodily injury, compensatory, special, punitive, consequential, or incidental damages including, without limitation, lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this forum or any services associated with this forum, or damages from the use of or reliance on the information present on this forum, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages. A 9mm is fairly quiet. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I like to be able to "reach out and touch 'em" a little bit, so my vote goes to the 5.56. Even in SHTF here, I wouldn't expect much body armor or many long distance encounters. And about the cheapest to reload. If your rifle works without it, why add that long, heavy thing to the end of your rifle? A major benefit of having a PCC is the ability to share ammo and even magazines with a handgun. We are sure to have the perfect ammunition for every application.
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